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1. A Leader's Role In Creating and Maintaining a Healthy Work Environment
2. A Leader's Role In Turbulent Times
3. An Intentional Approach To Building Your Staff
4. Avoiding the Headline Test: Managing COI Issues
5. Banner Finance HR/Payroll Tips And Tricks
6. Best Options For Expense Reporting In The Data Warehouse
7. Budget Basics
8. Current Issues In Accounting
9. Current Issues In Payroll
10. Enhancing Organizational Effectiveness Through Goal Setting, Process Improvement and Performance Management
11. Faculty Analysis Product
12. How To Manage Award Closeouts and Cost Transfers/Compliance Challenges
13. Internal Controls at the University (Including Small Unit Challenges)
14. Life Of An Award: Pre-Award Practices and Pitfalls (Part 1 of 2)
15. Life Of An Award: Post-Award Practices and Pitfalls (Part 2 of 2)
16. Navigating The Purchasing Labrynth
17. P-Card And Accounts Payable Updates
18. Req-To-Check: Deconstructing The Procurement Process
19. Saving Green By Going Green
20. Searching For Excellence And Diversity At Illinois
21. Service Activities: Developing Rates And Monitoring Balances
22. Shared Service Centers: Improving Service Levels And Efficiencies

A Leader's Role In Creating and Maintaining a Healthy Work Environment
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The workshop will focus on the elements of a healthy work environment and the leader’s role in creating an environment based on collegiality, sharing, and high productivity. A leader self-assessment will be included to help each participant analyze their own team climate. Small group discussions based on several work climates will help participants discuss possible interventions and focus on how a leader can impact the dynamics of the work and the productivity of the team. Panel will review tips on how managers can best create healthy work climates. 
 Learning Objectives:

  • Introduce and define the four (4) elements that define a healthy work environment.
  • Define exemplary or superior leadership competences and how they are applied to the work and implication of commitment vs. compliance based employee attitudes.
  • Facilitate self assessment, action planning and follow-up analysis of team climate.


  • Karie Wolfson, Interim Director, Faculty and Staff Assistance Program
  • Aaron Ebata, Associate Professor, Department of Human and Community Development and Extension Specialist, Family Life
  • Mary Ellen O’Shaughnessey, Executive Assistant Dean, College of Fine and Applied Arts
  • L. Patricia Sherod, Director, Center for Training and Professional Development
  • Susan Stewart, Assistant Director, Center for Training and Professional Development
  • Tiy Goddard, Manager, Professional Development, Center for Training and Professional Development
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A Leader's Role In Turbulent Times
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The workshop will focus on maintaining a healthy work environment in turbulent times. The session will discuss the three stages most individuals experience when facing change and transition. Topics discussed will include the difference between change and transition; how transitions can affect productivity, social and personal interactions; and strategies for maintaining a healthy work environment during major transitions. A panel will focus on how leaders can help employees cope with workplace turbulence, provide tips on helping families and cohorts deal with work related stressors; and ways in which leaders can take care of themselves during workplace crisis.
Learning Objectives:

  • Provide participants with a model for change and illustrate the three stages.
  • Provide strategies and identify resources available to help leaders deal with organizational turbulence.


  • Karie Wolfson, Interim Director, Faculty and Staff Assistance Program
  • Aaron Ebata, Associate Professor, Department of Human and Community Development and Extension Specialist, Family Life
  • Mary Ellen O’Shaughnessey, Executive Assistant Dean, College of Fine and Applied Arts
  • L. Patricia Sherod, Director, Center for Training and Professional Development
  • Susan Stewart, Assistant Director, Center for Training and Professional Development
  • Tiy Goddard, Manager, Professional Development, Center for Training and Professional Development
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An Intentional Approach To Building Your Staff
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A collaborative presentation from Academic Human Resources (AHR), Staff Human Resources (SHR), and Student Affairs. AHR and SHR will discuss the university’s values in hiring staff and the importance of being intentional when building your staff. Student Affairs will present recent efforts made by its division with regards to recruitment and retention of staff. The Task Force on the Recruitment and Retention of a Diverse Student Affairs Staff examined the practices of higher education institutions and Fortune 500 corporations and is now in the implementation stage of the process. This program will highlight efforts and programs that came from this recommendation that can be implemented by other departments throughout the campus. This program will also present year-long efforts to motivate, engage, and recognize staff.
Learning Objectives:

  • Evaluate your recruitment and hiring processes for academic staff, understand the flexibility in the civil service system, and identify strategies to elicit qualified candidates that can serve a diverse student body.
  • Implement professional development programs that encourage staff to network, collaborate, and stay motivated.
  • Implement a mentor program that increases staff retention.


  • Anna Gonzalez, Associate Vice Chancellor, Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
  • Alicia M. Lowery, Deputy Director of Employment Services, Staff Human Resources
  • Brandy Meid, Assistant to the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
  • Deb Stone, Director, Academic Human Resources
  • Anna Tsai, Assistant Director, Staff Development and Programs, Illini Union
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Avoiding the Headline Test: Managing COI Issues
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Conflicts of Interest (COI) exist in our everyday lives, but what does it mean in our academic or research lives? Good people can do bad things when they do not understand the implications of their actions. Non-University and research activities, as well as familial relationships within the workplace and community can impact decisions made about business practices and procedures. So much so, that both state and federal regulations and statutes exist to direct these activities. So how do you know when a conflict exists, how does it get managed, and how do we avoid the headline test?
Learning Objectives:

  • Develop an understanding of the Conflict of Interest regulations and policies.
  • Apply that understanding using a case study analysis.
  • Take home some tips for recognizing conflicts.


  • Kathy Young, Director, Office of Sponsored Programs and Research Administration
  • Melanie Loots, Associate Vice Chancellor for Research, Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research
  • Lea Ann Gross, Director of Stewardship Services, University of Illinois Foundation
  • Sandy Ehler, Executive Director, University Payables
  • Mary Nielsen, Purchasing Officer, OBFS Purchasing
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Banner Finance HR/Payroll Tips And Tricks
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For the most part, we have all adjusted to Banner.  But are there faster ways to get the information you need? Are there shortcuts to move through forms? What are the search options? And what do those form names mean?  This workshop will introduce the Banner user to aspects of the system that may still be untapped, and could very likely improve efficiency and reduce aggravation!
Learning Objectives:      

  • Obtain information about shortcuts, form naming conventions, queries, navigation, and other tips and tricks to help the user with Banner.
  • Improve efficiency and decrease aggravation in the office by utilizing more features of Banner on a daily basis.


  • Wendy Harris, Director of Budget and Resource Planning, Department of Mathematics
  • Sherri Faith, Assistant Director, University Accounting and Financial Reporting
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Best Options For Expense Reporting In The Data Warehouse
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We will compare and contrast existing expense reporting universes in the Data Warehouse.  We will explain which universe is best for various reporting needs.  Sample reports will be provided.
Learning Objectives:  

  • Provide a better understanding of the universes that contain expenses.
  • Help users identify the best universe to use based on their expense reporting needs.


  • Beth Ladd, Functional Area Coordinator, Decision Support
  • Mark Pollard, Functional Area Coordinator, Decision Support
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Budget Basics
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The workshop will provide brief overviews of 8-10 budget-related topics that are relevant to budget & business managers at campus units, particularly academic units.  Topics to be discussed include (but are not limited to) state funds management and year-end close, ICR allocation principles, tuition distribution, budget-related Banner and EDW finance reports, deficit reporting, position budget control, budget adjustments and annual budget allocations.
Learning Objectives:  

  • Familiarize attendees with budget-related concepts that will be useful in understanding the financial position of their units.
  • Provide awareness of on-line resources that are available to assist with budget issues, especially those encountered on an infrequent basis (e.g., annual allocations, budget closing process).


  • Patrick Hoey, Budget Director, OBFS Office of Budgets and Financial Analysis
  • Suzanne Rinehart, Assistant Budget Director, OBFS Office of Budgets and Financial Analysis
  • John Lockmiller, Director of Budget and Resource Planning, College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences
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Current Issues In Accounting
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Panel discussion with University Accounting Staff as they share information on best practices for state funds, self-supporting issues, sales tax in fundraising efforts, UBIT guidelines and address attendee questions. A moderator will facilitate the discussion around the prepared topics, with a significant allotment of time for specific questions from the audience.
Learning Objectives:

  • To mitigate recurring state fund issues.
  • To mitigate recurring self-supporting issues.
  • To recognize UBIT guidelines and when they apply.


  • Denise Stanley, Assistant Controller, University Accounting and Financial Reporting
  • Sherri Faith, Assistant Director, Accounting Information Management, University Accounting and Financial Reporting
  • Brent Rasmus, Assistant Director, University Accounting Services, University Accounting and Financial Reporting
  • John Laroe, Business and Financial Specialist, University Accounting and Financial Reporting
  • Roger Wade, Business and Financial Specialist, University Accounting and Financial Reporting
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Current Issues In Payroll
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Taxable Benefits Excel icon

A panel of Payroll subject matter experts will address the most common payroll issues. We will provide tips and tools on solutions and how to prevent common problems from occurring. Time allowing, we will answer questions from the audience.
Learning Objectives:

  • When adjustments should be processed and why
  • When to report an overpayment – how are they collected, how they affect the employee’s W2
  • Fringe rates, how they work, how they are charged
  • Taxable benefits – what are they and how are they reported and what is the effect on the employee


  • Laurie Pitner, Executive Director, University Payroll
  • Kassaundra Hester, Associate Director, University Payroll Operations
  • Laura Barnett, Assistant Director, University Payroll Services
  • Larry Hanyzewski, Assistant Director, University Payroll Operations
  • Pam Hatton, University Payroll Manager
  • Don Smith, University Payroll Manager
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Enhancing Organizational Effectiveness Through Goal Setting, Process Improvement and Performance Management
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Additional Handouts and Resources (Note: Link is no longer valid)

Presenters will discuss how strategic planning can improve organizational functioning and effectiveness.  Specifically, participants will learn how to define a mission for the unit, review and improve processes, identify SMART goals and track progress.  Examples and templates will be provided and participants will have the opportunity to write goals that are specific, measurable and time bound. 
Learning Objectives:

  • Identify how strategic planning can improve your work processes.
  • Create goals that are specific, measurable and time bound.
  • Obtain strategic planning templates and examples.


  • Barb Geissler, Assistant Dean for Administration and Finance, College of Education
  • Monica Miller, Assistant Director, Biological Safety Section Head, Division of Research Safety
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Faculty Analysis Product
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Because faculty represent one of an Academic College’s most critical and valuable assets, senior decision makers in the Academic Colleges need an easier way to get integrated information about faculty activity across HR, Grants, Payroll, and Course Registration to support promotion and tenure decisions, evaluate research and teaching productivity, and ensure effective resource allocation. Decision Support’s Faculty Analysis product provides a means to allow decision makers to quickly and easily explore and analyze their data from multiple perspectives without complex programming.
Learning Objectives:

  • Provide overview of available faculty-related data.
  • Suggest appropriate uses and give live examples.


  • Aaron Walz, Assistant Director for Business Information, Decision Support
  • Beth Ladd, Functional Area Coordinator, Decision Support
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How To Manage Award Closeouts and Cost Transfers/Compliance Challenges
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GCO Post-Award will partner with the campus community to provide guidelines to facilitate the closeout of sponsored projects and improve the stewardship of sponsored project funds. Included in this session is an overview of sponsored project expenditure transfers, a review of OMB Circulars A-21, A-110, A-133 (Office of Management and Budget) and applicable University policies. The use of case studies and participant discussion will facilitate the application of the workshop concepts.
Learning Objectives:

  • Communicate applicable Federal Statutes and University policies.
  • Increase understanding of compliance with award terms and conditions.
  • Define roles and responsibilities.


  • Kay Williams, Director, OBFS Grants and Contracts Post-Award
  • Sandy Moulton, Associate Director, OBFS Grants and Contracts Post-Award
  • Denise Connour, Assistant Director, OBFS Grants and Contracts Post-Award
  • Jayne Goby, Assistant Director, OBFS Grants and Contracts Post-Award
  • Kathy Vance, Senior Coordinator, OBFS Grants and Contracts Post-Award
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Internal Controls at the University (Including Small Unit Challenges)
Internal Controls at the University PDF icon
Summary of the Common Challenges and Suggestions PDF icon
President White's Address "Tone at the Top". You will need to install Adobe Flash Player to watch this video.

This presentation is directed to employees responsible for the design and implementation of internal controls surrounding business processes. We will provide information about internal controls, fraud, and how they relate. We’ll specifically discuss the key issues and challenges of small units, soliciting specific and real concerns of the attendees for discussion and problem solving opportunities.
We’ll also hear from President B. Joseph White on the importance of internal controls and his expectations to employees who are responsible for and carry out those controls.
Learning Objectives:

  • Identify the key elements of internal controls and how they relate to fraud.
  • Understand why internal controls are so important.
  • Identify and solve common internal control issues and challenges in small units.


  • Darla Hill, Director, Office of University Audits
  • Carla Jones, Enterprise-wide Auditor, Office of University Audits
  • Teri Travis, Enterprise-wide Auditor, Office of University Audits
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Life Of An Award: Pre-Award Practices and Pitfalls (Part 1 of 2)
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Be careful what you ask for, you may get it. A proposal is an “offer” and the award an “acceptance.” Getting off on the right foot with a project is extremely important. The proposal is the basis for adequate funding, parameters of performance, and identification of cost-sharing and compliance issues. If you are responsible for approval do you know what you are signing up for when a proposal passes over your desk and when the award comes in? What if there are consultants or sub recipients working with you or significant contributions of university resources required? Documentation at this stage is crucial; Pre-Award practices can and do lead to Post-Award headaches. What can we do to avoid them?
Learning Objectives:   

  • Develop an understanding of the pre-award process from proposal submission to award and sub award execution.
  • Take home a flowchart of the process as well as both a proposal and award checklist to assist in their own analysis of pre-award transactions.


  • Kathy Young, Director, Office of Sponsored Programs and Research Administration
  • James Wade, Assistant Director, Proposal Division, Office of Sponsored Programs and Research Administration
  • Linda Learned, Assistant Director, Award Division, Office of Sponsored Programs and Research Administration
  • Vicki Fair, Assistant Director, Subaward Division, Office of Sponsored Programs and Research Administration
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Life Of An Award: Post-Award Practices and Pitfalls (Part 2 of 2)
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GCO will present an overview of award administration from the time of award execution to close-out and final reporting. Use of anticipation accounts, cost sharing, effort reporting, sub-recipient monitoring and PI transfers are some of the topics included in this presentation, which will conclude with a participant Q&A session.
Learning Objectives:

  • Important components and milestones of award administration
  • Roles and responsibilities of the sponsor, OSPRA, GCO Post-Award, PI, Departmental Business staff
  • Collaborative nature of award administration


  • Kay Williams, Director, OBFS Grants and Contracts Post-Award
  • Sandy Moulton, Associate Director, OBFS Grants and Contracts Post-Award
  • Lori Garwick, Senior Coordinator, OBFS Grants and Contracts Post-Award
  • Linda Gregory, Senior Coordinator, OBFS Grants and Contracts Post-Award
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Navigating The Purchasing Labrynth
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In today’s constantly changing, heavily regulated environment, it is important that staff involved in the Purchasing process keep up-to-date on procurement requirements. This session will focus on requirements from the Procurement Policy Board, University Board of Trustees and the Illinois Procurement Code. The formal presentation and question-and-answer period will involve areas of compliance that all departments should recognize and understand.
Learning Objectives:

  • Understand some of the existing compliance issues and how they affect the procurement timetable.
  • Provide an awareness of how handling potential compliance issues up front can transform an administrative headache into a best business practice.


  • Phil Abruzzi, Chief Procurement Officer, Office of Business and Financial Services
  • Cathy Reisner, Associate Director, OBFS Purchasing
  • Natalie Crook, Purchasing Officer, OBFS Purchasing
  • Jim Martinie, Director, University Payables
  • Susie Baker, Coordinator of University Contract Processing, University Payables
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P-Card And Accounts Payable Updates
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Formal presentation and question-and-answer period regarding P-Card and Accounts Payable policies and procedures updates, including reimbursements, cell phone / Internet / data stipend, payments to Human Subjects, voucher processing and P-Card roles.
Learning Objectives:      

  • To help units understand the policy and procedure changes that have been made in the payment arena.
  • To help units understand how to get processes completed correctly the first time.


  • Sandy Ehler, Executive Director, University Payables
  • Steve Wiggs, Director, University Payables
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Req-To-Check: Deconstructing The Procurement Process
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The primary focus will be on the purchase order / invoice process. The panelists will provide the status of the University’s electronic settlement efforts and emphasize the importance of the purchase order mechanism and receiving processes not only to the ultimate success of that project, but also to the achievement of departmental/unit efficiencies. There will be a panel discussion and question-and-answer period regarding the procurement (purchasing and payables) options, including the pros and cons of each, available to customers in the University community.
Learning Objectives:

  • Understand purchasing and payables options, especially purchase order / invoice processes.
  • Recognize the efficiencies that Payables, Purchasing, and Strategic Procurement are working to effect (streamlined PO processes, e-settlement) and the role that customers are invited to play in those efforts.
  • Understand the benefits available to units/departments when the University takes a process (req-to-check) approach to procurement rather than a strictly functional (purchasing, payment) approach.


  • Brad Sheriff, Director, Strategic Procurement Support Operations
  • Jim Martinie, Director, University Payables
  • Steve Wiggs, Director, University Payables
  • Barb Roemer, Associate Director, Procurement Systems
  • Jason McArthur, Purchasing Officer, OBFS Purchasing
  • Megan Wells, Systems Training and Support Specialist, OBFS Purchasing
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Saving Green By Going Green
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With energy prices on the rise, energy efficiency and conservation must be utilized to reduce costs while also reducing our impact on the environment.  In the near future, individual campus units may be responsible for managing their energy bills, escalating the importance of this issue.  This workshop will give a summary of the state of campus energy usage and discuss some basic strategies to help reduce our campus’ energy consumption.  It will also explore methods to fund these projects and compare the economics of energy conservation to other investments. 
Learning Objectives:     

  • Understand the current energy situation and benefits of energy conservation.
  • Learn basic strategies to reduce campus energy consumption.
  • Explore methods to fund these efforts.


  • Tom Abram, Sustainability Coordinator, Facilities and Services
  • Terry Ruprecht, Director of Energy Conservation, Office of the Provost
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Searching For Excellence And Diversity At Illinois
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This workshop will discuss policy and system related changes to the academic search process. Specific topics include a demonstration about the new electronic academic tracking system, a presentation on hiring and retention strategies for diversity and excellence, and a presentation on policy issues related to the academic search process.
Learning Objectives:

  • Provide a short demonstration of the academic tracking system.
  • Discuss policy issues related to the academic search process.
  • Provide guidance on strategies to achieve and maintain diversity and excellence in the faculty and staff hiring and retention process, including guidance on mentoring, interviewing, and search management strategies.


  • Menah Pratt-Clarke, Assistant Provost and Associate Director, Office of Equal Opportunity and Access
  • Deb Stone, Director, Academic Human Resources
  • CloLeeta Simpson, Assistant Director, Office of Equal Opportunity and Access
  • Heidi Johnson, Assistant Director, Office of Equal Opportunity and Access
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Service Activities: Developing Rates And Monitoring Balances
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HPC Cycle Charge Fees PowerPoint icon Protected document icon

This workshop will present an overview of the University’s policies and procedures related to service activity calculations and rates with appropriate timelines. The new Service Activity policy will be highlighted and information will be given about training opportunities. The departmental view of developing rate fee structure for unit’s services, working with the Government Costing staff, and lessons learned will be given. Audit considerations will be addressed and how to prepare in case they would occur. The departmental perspective will be provided by NCSA.
Learning Objectives:

  • Be provided with contacts and resources for assistance in developing rates.
  • Learn the rules governing service activity operations – it’s not just A-21.
  • Learn how to be prepared for an audit of the service center.


  • Julie Jarvis, Director, Government Costing, OBFS Grants and Contracts
  • Ruth Coffey, Coordinator, Government Costing, OBFS Grants and Contracts
  • Mike Rudzinski, Associate Director of Finance and Administration, NCSA
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Shared Service Centers: Improving Service Levels And Efficiencies
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The workshop will use the development of shared service centers within the Provost Office units as a specific case study of how these centers can be developed for our campus. The presentation will outline the activity based assessment approach used to define the scope of the shared service centers and summarize the phased implementation used (and currently underway). The workshop will include a definition of shared service centers, its goals and the challenges/lessons learned through the Provost’s Office unit initiative.
Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the goals of shared service centers.
  • Understand the approach to assess shared service center opportunities and implement them at the University of Illinois.


  • Stig Lanesskog, Associate Provost for Strategic Planning and Assessment, Office of the Provost
  • Jeff Oberg, Assistant Dean for Administration, Engineering Administration
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