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Workshop Sessions

Session One (9:30 - 10:30 AM)

Session Two (10:45 - 11:45 AM)

Session Three (1:00 - 2:00 PM)

Session Four (3:30 - 4:30 PM)

Contracts, Contract Amendments and Extensions / Change Orders

This presentation will provide an overview of formal and informal contractual change orders, posting requirements, and contract amendments and extensions.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify procedures for contract processes, signature authority, POs as contracts, processing, renewals, maximum term, and business associate agreements
  • Receive a high-level overview of iCS
  • Describe the legal review and approval process associated with University Counsel


  • Aaron Rosenthal, Assistant Director, UIC Purchasing


  • Session One (9:30 - 10:30 AM)
  • Session Two (10:45 - 11:45 AM)

Workshop Materials:

Exceptions to Competitive Purchases: Sole Source, Emergencies, Small Purchases, Exemptions

This presentation will familiarize attendees with the process for managing exceptions to competitive purchases, including the sole source forms, emergency affidavits, and the information required to process these types of procurements.

Learning Objectives:

  • Review policies for small purchases, bid limits, professional and artistic purchases, sole source, emergency purchases, donations, and exemptions
  • Locate resources that are helpful when performing these processes


  • Janielle Graham, Assistant Director, UIC Purchasing


  • Session One (9:30 - 10:30 AM)

Workshop Materials:

How to Set Up Vendors

This presentation will cover how to ensure that a vendor is properly set up in Banner prior to the department making purchases from that vendor.

Learning Objectives:

  • Determine if a permanent vendor ID is required
  • Discover how to locate vendor IDs in Banner
  • Determine how to work with vendors to ensure that IDs are created and updated in a timely manner
  • Review common issues related to inaccurate vendor information and how to avoid them
  • Locate helpful resources on the OBFS website


  • Frank Alexander, Assistant Director, University Payables


  • Session Two (10:45 - 11:45 AM)
  • Session Three (1:00 - 2:00 PM)

Workshop Materials:

Invitation for Bids (IFBs) and Requests for Proposals (RFPs)

This presentation will provide instructions and guidance on what Purchasing needs from you when generating IFB and RFP documents for competitive solicitations. There will be a discussion of the Solicitation Information Form (SIF), information on State of Illinois templates and requirements, conducting pre-bid and pre-proposal conferences, and managing evaluation committees for RFPs.

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe the process of working with UIC Purchasing to prepare IFB and RFP documents and the significance of the Solicitation Information Form
  • Receive an overview of formal bid/RFP processes and the requirements to complete the processes through the award stage


  • Arlene Shorter, Assistant Director, UIC Purchasing
  • Ruth Rios, Assistant Director, UIC Purchasing
  • Ingrid Worrell, Senior Contract Coordinator, UIC Purchasing


  • Session Three (1:00 - 2:00 PM)
  • Session Four (3:30 - 4:30 PM)

Workshop Materials:

IT Hardware / Software / Virtual Purchases

The changing environment in Information technology (IT) creates an evolving process in the acquisition of hardware and software requirements supporting higher education. This presentation will explain avenues for purchasing common IT requirements. There also will be a discussion of the availability and usage of IT consultants for the University for approved purchases under the KRS102 proposal.

Learning Objectives:

  • Determine the processes of making hardware and software purchases
  • Review resources that can guide with making these purchases


  • Kunal Shah, Senior Contract Coordinator, UIC Purchasing


  • Session Four (3:30 - 4:30 PM)

Workshop Materials:

iTravel Online Booking Tool

Do you arrange travel for employees or guests to the University? Or are you an employee who prefers to make your own travel arrangements? If so, come to this presentation to learn how to use the iTravel Online Booking Tool to save you time and your department, money.

Learning Objectives:

  • Discover the advantages of booking with the iTravel Online Booking Tool
  • Receive an overview of how to register and set up a profile
  • Review steps to set up a travel arranger and how to book your own travel


  • Cathy Young, Senior Coordinator, University Payables
  • Alissa Flynn, Account Executive, Corporate Travel Planners


  • Session Three (1:00 - 2:00 PM)

Workshop Materials:

Payments to Vendors / Invoice Processing Tips for Submission and Tracking

This presentation will provide instructions on PO invoice submissions and how to track invoice payments in Banner. Also covered is how to determine if an invoice has been put on hold or rejected, and how to resolve the issue.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify the steps to ensure that invoices are processed as quickly as possible
  • Discover how to research invoice status in Banner and in Banner Document Management (BDM)
  • Resolve issues of payment holds and rejections


  • Angela Bensyl, Specialist, University Payables
  • Aaron Brown, Specialist, University Payables


  • Session Three (1:00 - 2:00 PM)
  • Session Four ( 3:30 - 4:30 PM)

Workshop Materials:

P-Cards and T-Cards: Tips for Running a Successful Card Program

This presentation will provide an overview of the University P-Card and T-Card programs, including the card application process, proper and improper usage of cards, reconciliation processes, management of department card programs, and available resources provided by UPAY Card Services.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify the proper ways to use P-Cards and T-Cards
  • Avoid improper usage of P-Cards and T-Cards
  • Locate helpful resources provided by UPAY Card Services


  • Kandra Miller, Assistant Director, University Payables


  • Session One (9:30 - 10:30 AM)
  • Session Two (10:45 - 11:45 AM)
  • Session Three (1:00 - 2:00 PM)

Workshop Materials:

Purchasing and Payables Policy Updates

This presentation will provide updates on recent and pending purchasing and payables policies of the University and will discuss how to locate, search and review the policy pages. In addition, we will examine the legislative and University System policy framework for purchasing and payables, and will provide a foundation for how statutes, rules and policies relate to each other. The presentation will conclude with a discussion about recent and pending changes to legislation that may affect the procurement system. 

Learning Objectives:

  • Review recent policy updates
  • Describe upcoming policy changes
  • Explain how OBFS policy is established
  • Summarize pending legislation that may affect the Purchasing/Payables process


  • Dan Szajna, Associate Director, Compliance, Policy and Conflict, Office of the AVP for Procurement Services
  • Scott Zalatoris, OBFS Policy Specialist, Business Solutions and Support


  • Session Four (3:30 - 4:30 PM)

Workshop Materials:

Requesting and Closing an Advance

This presentation will cover how to request and close program and travel advances. Also covered are the differences between the two types of advances and when using each is appropriate.

Learning Objectives:

  • Determine when an advance is appropriate
  • Identify the information and documentation required for opening and closing advances


  • Melissa Plotner, Assistant Director, University Payables
  • Tammy Ziegler, Coordinator, University Payables


  • Session One (9:30 - 10:30 AM)

Workshop Materials:

Requisition Processing for Banner and iBuy / Codes Used for Purchasing

This presentation will provide useful guidance on successful processing of orders within the Banner and iBuy systems. Proper routing, requirements, codes, distribution, payment, and shipping instructions will be covered.

Learning Objectives:

  • Compare and contrast the Banner and iBuy purchasing systems
  • Determine whether to use Banner or iBuy for your purchases
  • Identify the appropriate codes to use when making purchases


  • Daniel Wesley, Office Manager, UIC Purchasing
  • Jason Bane, Senior Business and Finance Coordinator, University Accounting and Financial Reporting


  • Session One (9:30 - 10:30 AM)
  • Session Two (10:45 - 11:45 AM)

Workshop Materials:

Searching for and Using Diverse Businesses to Meet Your Small Purchase Needs

Do you want to support the University's diversity and inclusion mission, but don't know how you can personally contribute? Well, here's how! Your department makes numerous small purchases that fall under the bid threshold ($100,000). These small purchases can add up to millions of dollars annually. Using diverse businesses for your small purchase needs can make a significant impact in helping the University System meet its goals. This presentation will demonstrate how easy it is to find businesses owned by minorities, women, disabled persons, and veterans in iBuy and the State's Business Enterprise Program (BEP) database to meet your department's needs.

Learning Objectives:

  • Discover how to find diverse vendors in iBuy
  • Detail the methods used to search for diverse businesses using the State's Business Enterprise Program database
  • Maximize the use of small and women-owned businesses to develop a small business subcontracting plan when applying for federal research grant money


  • Sharla Roberts, Director, Office of Procurement Diversity
  • Dale J. Morrison, Esq, Senior Supplier Diversity Coordinator, Office of Procurement Diversity


  • Session Two (10:45 - 11:45 AM)

Workshop Materials:

Special Payments and Expedited Payment Requests: What to Do When Payments Aren't Business as Usual

This presentation will provide instructions and advice on using the Special Payment Request form and on making expedited payment requests in TEM.

Learning Objectives:

  • Determine the process for making expedited and special payment requests
  • Discover ways to reduce making these types of payments


  • Melissa Plotner, Assistant Director, University Payables
  • Ann Welch, Specialist, University Payables


  • Session Two (10:45- 11:45 AM)
  • Session Three (1:00 - 2:00 PM)

Workshop Materials:

Special Procurements: Furniture, Catering and Events, Donations

This presentation will cover current furniture ordering procedures through existing furniture contracts and for purchasing from non-University contracts. There will be an explanation of the necessary requirements for requesting catering services including common contractual, certification, insurance, and licensing issues. Also, there will be a review of State requirements to use donations to fund specific procurement projects.

Learning Objectives:

  • Review procedures for special procurements such as the University's furniture program and managing events and catering contracts
  • Describe the State's requirements for donations and associated purchases


  • Mary Cooke, Contract Coordinator, UIC Purchasing
  • Kevin Fair, Associate Director, UIC Purchasing


  • Session One (9:30 - 10:30 AM)
  • Session Four (3:30 - 4:30 PM)

Workshop Materials:

TEM: Good Habits and Helpful Hints

Are you interested in learning Travel Expense Management (TEM) strategies for constructing efficient and complete employee reimbursement expense reports and vendor payment requests (ERs)? This presentation will detail the most common reasons that ERs are rejected and provide you with preparation strategies to ensure that your ERs are prepared and submitted properly.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify the proper methods to prepare ERs
  • Avoid common errors in preparing ERs
  • Locate helpful tools and materials on the TEM Resource page


  • Rachel Santarelli, Specialist, University Payables
  • Bethany Socie, Specialist, University Payables


  • Session One (9:30 - 10:30 AM)
  • Session Two  (10:45 - 11:45 AM)
  • Session Three (1:00 - 2:00 PM)  

Workshop Materials:

University Amazon Group

This presentation will cover ways that departments can participate in the University's Amazon Business Account to make purchases.

Learning Objectives:

  • Discover the benefits of using Amazon for Business
  • Review the user's responsibilities for making purchases using the Amazon Business Account to avoid purchasing errors


  • Darren Strater, Associate Director, University Payables


  • Session Four (3:30 - 4:30 PM)

Workshop Materials: