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Conference Materials

The Bringing Administrators Together Conference will be on April 1st, 2014. Click to open the Conference BrochurePDF.

Please contact the conference planning team at if you have any questions about the conference.

UIC: State of the Campus - Provost's Address

UIC: State of the Campus – Provost’s AddressPDF

Conference Sponsors’ Updates

Office of Business and Financial ServicesPDF 
Office of the Vice Chancellor for ResearchPDF
Office of the Assistant Vice President for Human ResourcesPDF


  1. Civil Service Hiring: Current State (HR)
  2. Determining the Appropriate Level of Reserves for Your Unit (VCAA Budget and Resource Planning)
  3. Determining the Proper Purchasing Method to Use (OBFS Purchasing & Campus Participants)
  4. Equipment Management FUNdamentals: What Every Business Manager Needs to Know to Stay in Compliance (OBFS University Accounting and Financial Reporting)
  5. Fund Accounting 101 (OBFS University Accounting and Financial Reporting)
  6. How To Get Your RFP or Bid Out Faster (OBFS Puchasing)
  7. Internal Controls and Fraud Prevention For Your Unit (UA Internal Audit)
  8. Introducing the Clinical Trials Office: A Concierge Approach to Research Administration (OVCR)
  9. Leading Effectively in a Unionized Environment (HR)
  10. Overview of Web Intelligence: Preview of UI Reports Dashboard (AITS Decision Support)
  11. Position Authorization and Job Descriptions (HR)
  12. Project "START myResearch": Leveraging Kuali Coeus Open Source Software & PI Portal (OVCR)
  13. Shared Governance Strategic Planning at UIC (VCAA Planning and Programs)
  14. Speeding Up the Pre-Award Process: The Do's and Don'ts of ORS Submissions (OVCR Office of Research Services)
  15. The Changing Tide of Federal Regulations That Impact Research Administration (OBFS Grants and Contracts & OVCR Office of Research Services)
  16. Travel Expense Management (TEM) System Reporting Tools from the EDW (AITS Decision Support)
  17. Travel Expense Management (TEM) System Upgrade: Exploring the New Features and Enhancements (OBFS University Payables)

Civil Service Hiring: Current State (HR)

This workshop will provide an overview of changes to be made to the civil service hiring process. Participants will receive information about the new customer service standards and partnership expectations regarding civil service hiring.

PDF PresentationPDF

Learning Objective(s):

  • Identify the changes in civil service hiring including new standards and expectations.


    • Joanne Tolbert-Wells, Director of Recruitment and Staffing, Human Resources

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    Determining the Appropriate Level of Reserves for Your Unit (VCAA Budget and Resource Planning)

    This workshop will have discussion on what is necessary to establish a financial reserves policy at UIC. Presentation topics will include defining financial reserves and types of reserves, discussing the approach for determining the appropriate level of reserves, and budgeting reserves.

    PDF PresentationPDF 

    Learning Objective(s):

    • Define University best practices toward creating a reserve policy.


    • Janet Parker, Associate Chancellor and Vice Provost for Budget and Resource Planning

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    Determining the Proper Purchasing Method to Use (OBFS Purchasing & Campus Participants)

    This workshop will review the best methods for purchasing various items, including when to use the P-Card versus a requisition or iBuy catalog. You will hear how several Business Managers make these decisions. We will cover purchasing methods for generally small and non-formal bid purchases. (Formal bid level purchasing needs are addressed in session 2’s How To Get Your RFP Or Bid Out Faster workshop.) Types of purchases will include the following:
    --Small purchase limits
    --iBuy catalog
    --P-Card and T-Card
    --P&A under $5,000
    --P&A over $5,000-$19,999
    --Sole Source purchases
    --Exempt purchases
    --Joint and Cooperative purchasing
    --Contracts Search Tool

    PDF PresentationPDF 

    Learning Objective(s):

    • Identify the proper procurement method to be used when purchasing your unit’s goods and services.


    • Kevin Fair, Interim Director of OBFS Purchasing (Moderator)
    • Julia Kilgore, iBuy Trainer, OBFS Purchasing
    • Ruth Rios, Senior Contract Coordinator, OBFS Purchasing
    • Kandra Miller, Assistant Director, OBFS University Payables
    • Panel of Business Managers

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    Equipment Management FUNdamentals: What Every Business Manager Needs to Know to Stay in Compliance (OBFS University Accounting and Financial Reporting)

    This workshop will provide an overview of State and Federal regulations and compliance issues along with related University Equipment Management policies and procedures. You will receive tips and tools to better manage equipment inventory, avoid common problems, and prevent and detect errors and fraud.

    PDF PresentationPDF

    Learning Objective(s):

    • Review the equipment management responsibilities of the Business Manager.
    • Identify key regulations and policies related to Equipment Management.
    • Examine helpful tips and tools for Inventory Management that can be applied to your department’s processes.


    • Jeff Weaver, Senior Associate Director, University Accounting and Financial Reporting

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    Fund Accounting 101 (OBFS University Accounting and Financial Reporting)

    Let’s discuss Fund Accounting at the University of Illinois! What are state funds, institutional funds, self-supporting funds, and gift funds? What are the best practices for these funds? Join University Accounting & Financial Reporting as we provide an overview of these funds, limitations on use, along with common mistakes and ways to avoid them.

    PDF PresentationPDF 

    Learning Objective(s):

    • Identify the basics of Fund Accounting.
    • Review best practices for state, institutional, self-supporting, and gift funds.
    • Examine methods to avoid common mistakes.


    • Nick Deitch, Assistant Director, OBFS University Accounting and Financial Reporting
    • Tim Parrish, Financial Accounting & Reporting Analyst, OBFS University Accounting and Financial Reporting

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    How To Get Your RFP or Bid Out Faster (OBFS Purchasing)

    This workshop will detail the proposed process for completing an effective scope of work for a RFP (Request For Proposal) or bid process. There will be a discussion about the pitfalls to avoid in developing the scope of work and what you can expect in return from Purchasing if the scope is done well. The workshop also will review the proposed means of measuring Purchasing time to completion of the bid process and what we need from you in the bid evaluation process.

    PDF PresentationPDF 

    Learning Objective(s):

    • Review the proposed method of preparing an effective Scope of Services.
    • Explain what you can expect from OBFS Purchasing


    • Heather Haberaecker, Executive Assistant Vice President for Business and Finance/Chief Business Officer, OBFS
    • Kevin Fair, Interim Director of OBFS Purchasing
    • Arlene Shorter, Senior Contract Coordinator, OBFS Purchasing

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    Internal Controls and Fraud Prevention For Your Unit (UA Internal Audit)

    This workshop will provide an overview of the design and implementation of internal controls in University business processes with emphasis on the consideration of fraud. We will use a case study to discuss fraud indicators, traits and characteristics of fraud perpetrators, and the internal control breakdowns that conceal fraud. We will cover the various internal control procedures that management can introduce into the business process to mitigate the occurrence of fraud.

    PDF PresentationPDF 

    Learning Objective(s):

    • Describe the strengths and weaknesses of various internal control types.
    • Identify emerging internal control issues from most recent internal audits.
    • Recognize common fraud indicators.


    • Neal Crowley, Director of UIC University Audits, Director of UIC University Audits

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    Introducing the Clinical Trials Office: A Concierge Approach to Research Administration (OVCR)

    This workshop will provide an introduction to the Clinical Trials Office (CTO), its function, and role and services it will provide in the administrative support of the conduct of clinical trials. We will discuss the relationship and workflow with the Office of Research Services (Contracts) and the Office for the Protection of Research Subjects (IRB). The workshop will address the harmonized review of the research-related documents incorporating the Medicare rules and regulations pertaining to drug and device clinical trials. It will also introduce the coverage analysis, which is a methodology to work with Medicare’s Clinical Trial Policy and the device regulations.

    PDF PresentationPDF 

    Learning Objective(s):

    • Describe the function and role of the Clinical Trials Office.
    • Discuss the interrelationship between the Clinical Trials Office, the Office of Research Services (Contracts) and the
    • Office for the Protection of Research Subjects (IRB).
    • Compare and contrast the differences between the Medicare Clinical Trial Policy and the device regulations.
    • Identify the purpose of the coverage analysis.


    • Lisa R. Pitler, Assistant Vice Chancellor, OVCR

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    Leading Effectively in a Unionized Environment (HR)

    The complexities and challenges of leading and managing in a unionized work environment will be explored during the workshop.

    PDF PresentationPDF

    Learning Objective(s):

    • Review operational objectives.
    • Build effective relationships within a unionized environment.


    • Thomas Riley, Director of Labor and Employee Relations, Human Resources
    • Lisa Caridine, Labor/Employee Relations Officer, Human Resources

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    Overview of Web Intelligence: Preview of UI Reports Dashboard (AITS Decision Support)

    With the upgrade of Business Objects in the near future, reporting will transition from Desktop Intelligence to Web Intelligence. Come and learn about the AITS Decision Support upgrade project to receive tips on creating reports using Web Intelligence.

    PDF PresentationPDF 

    Learning Objective(s):

    • Discuss the upcoming method of creating reports using Web Intelligence.


    • Mandy Bodine, Assistant Director, AITS Decision Support
    • Colleen Miller, Business Intelligence Services Coordinator, AITS Decision Support

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    Position Authorization and Job Descriptions (HR)

    The process of obtaining approval to fill a position has many components that the initiator must follow. The purpose and focus of this workshop is to discuss the information needed to begin the process and how to successfully complete the Position Authorization Form in HireTouch. We will discuss the fields that cause the most confusion and how to correctly navigate them. We will also discuss job descriptions and their role in the position approval process.

    PDF Presentation PDF

    Learning Objective(s):

    • Define information needed to complete the Position Authorization form.
    • Review the role of job descriptions in the position approval process.


    • Ron Puskarits, Director of Compensation, Human Resources
    • Debbie Lewis, Compensation Consultant, Human Resources

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    Project "START myResearch": Leveraging Kuali Coeus Open Source Software & PI Portal (OVCR)

    START (Systemwide Tools for Administration of Research and Training) is the implementation of Kuali Coeus (KC) open source software for grants management and myResearch is the Principal Investigator (PI) portal that will integrate and display information from a number of different university systems, giving faculty access to the information they need to prepare, submit, route, and manage their grants.

    This is a multi-year project with five major research support areas – Conflict of Interest (COI), Principal Investigator (PI) Portal, Pre-award, Institutional Review Board (IRB), and Institutional Animal Care and Review Committee (IACUC). The goal is to minimize the administrative burdens of managing faculty research in order to increase productivity and the value of the University’s portfolio.

    PDF PresentationPDF 

    Learning Objective(s):

    • Review the overall objective, scope, and roadmap of the START myResearch project.
    • Discuss how START myResearch may impact you and/or your clients in terms of research support.


    • Youngwook Song, Associate Director, Administrative Information Technology Services
    • Jan Novakofski, Associate Vice Chancellor for Research for Compliance, UIUC
    • Jennifer Rowan, Executive Director, Research Administration and Operations, OVCR
    • Jacqueline Berger, Director of Communications and Interim Executive Director, Information Technology, OVCR

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    Shared Governance Strategic Planning at UIC (VCAA Planning and Programs)

    This workshop will describe the relationship between campus and unit level planning in an RCM budget allocation model

    PDF PresentationPDF 

    Learning Objective(s):

    • Recognize the various planning projects that have implications for the unit.
    • Propose next steps for strategic planning in the unit.


    • Saul Weiner, Vice Provost for Planning and Programs, VCAA

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    Speeding Up the Pre-Award Process: The Do's and Don'ts of ORS Submissions (OVCR Office of Research Services)

    Business managers are responsible for the day-to-day administration of sponsored projects. This includes preparing proposals and oversight of all applicable Federal, State and University rules and regulations. The Office of Research Services (ORS) assists the campus in preparing and submitting funding proposals and supporting information for sponsored projects, and is responsible for enforcement of related rules and regulations. To make the process easier for all involved, this workshop will focus on the key obstacles involved in pre-award proposal activities: proposal development, budgeting, submission, and institutional compliance related activities.

    PDF PresentationPDF 

    Learning Objective(s):

    • Review the types of proposals: new, continuation, supplement and revisions.
    • Define the various components of a proposal budget and how to apply the institution's F&A cost rate. 
    • Receive an overview and updates of internal and external policies and procedures.
    • Explain why compliance-related issues matter at proposal stage and what are your responsibilities.
    • Name tips for avoiding delays and common errors.


    • Carla Dodd, Sponsored Project Specialist, OVCR Office of Research Services
    • Megan Konley, Research Information Coordinator, OVCR Office of Research Services
    • Christopher Zack, Sponsored Projects Specialist, OVCR Office of Research Service

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    The Changing Tide of Federal Regulations That Impact Research Administration (OBFS Grants and Contracts & OVCR Office of Research Services)

    You may be familiar with the existing federal circulars that are used to administer your sponsored awards such as A-21 for Cost Principles and A-110 for administrative guidelines. All of the circulars have undergone a major overhaul. We would like to share some of the overarching changes with campus administrators but more importantly, we would like your input on potential process and policy changes you think may need to be considered as a result of the changing regulations. We also would like to discuss changes to the sponsored award close-out process in relation to the HHS transition to a subaccount payment method

    PDF PresentationPDF

    Learning Objective(s):

    • Receive an overview of the overarching changes.
    • Evaluate potential changes in policies and procedures that may impact your department or college.
    • Relate input to central office staff that will help facilitate seamless adoption of the new regulations.


    • Vanessa Peoples, Executive Director and Assistant Chief Business Officer, OBFS Grants and Contracts
    • Karen McCormack, Senior Associate Director, OBFS Grants and Contracts
    • Mee Mee Lee-Choi, Associate Director, OBFS Grants and Contracts
    • Patricia Pfister, JD, CRA, Associate Director, Sponsored Projects (Research Contracts), OVCR Office of Research Services

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    Travel Expense Management (TEM) System Reporting Tools from the EDW (AITS Decision Support)

    This workshop will provide details and tips on the Electronic Data Warehouse (EDW) Business Objects universe Finance Travel and Expense. This universe allows you to report on unattached T-Card transactions, identify how long expense reports take at each stage of the process and identify if employees have set up a proxy in the TEM system. Come to learn how the universe can assist your department in accessing the data from TEM.

    PDF PresentationPDF 

    Learning Objective(s):

    • Access data from the TEM system to prepare departmental reports.


    • Mandy Bodine, Assistant Director, AITS Decision Support
    • Jerry Myers, Functional Area Coordinator, AITS Decision Support

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    Travel Expense Management (TEM) System Upgrade: Exploring the New Features and Enhancements (OBFS University Payables)

    This workshop will provide information on the new functionality of the upgraded Travel Expense Management (TEM) system. The workshop will include an overview of the new interface, how to attach receipts, how to recall a submitted expense report and how to avoid accidentally paying yourself.

    PDF PresentationPDF 

    Learning Objective(s):

    • Identify the new features of the TEM system.


    • Darren Strater, Associate Director, OBFS University Payables

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