Networking Fair

The networking fair provides vendors with the opportunity to engage in face to face marketing with representatives from the University of Illinois, State of Illinois, City of Chicago, Cook County, and other public and private universities. Each exhibitor will provide information on the goods or services they purchase. Attending the Networking Fair will provide an opportunity for all attendees to network and build lasting relationships.

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University of Illinois
MAFBE “Making the Connection” Conference
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The University of Illinois MAFBE Conference will take place on June 15, 2011, at the UIC Forum. This year’s Making the Connection 2011 is focused on connecting the University’s buying departments with qualified minority, female and persons with disabilities owned businesses. The goal of the conference is to build relationships with MAFBE firms in order to enhance our supplier diversity initiatives.

The conference Networking Fair will feature exhibitors from the University of Illinois at Chicago, Urbana, and Springfield campuses. Also participating in the Networking Fair will be representatives from other public and private universities, including local government entities. The Networking Fair will provide an opportunity for business owners to connect and market their products and/or services to the buying departments.







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