2007 UIC Bringing Administrators Together Conference

The First UIC Administrative Staff Leadership Conference was held on March 8th & 9th, 2007
. Click here for thepdf conference brochure.

Below you will find materials from the Conference and information on additional training opportunities.  We hope these will be helpful to those who attended as well as those who could not attend due to space limitations.

Please contact Kim Laczynski, OBFS Assistant Director for Change Management and Conference Coordinator, at KBL1@uic.edu or (312) 996 - 2860 with any questions.

Thursday, March 8 Friday, March 9
Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4

Workshop Descriptions and Materials

Session 1

How to Get Expenditure Contracts Processed Smoothly
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This workshop provided step-by-step guidelines for the development and timely processing of expenditure contracts. It included information on appropriate lead times, who to contact and when, and key components for timely contract execution prior to commencement of services.

Best Practices for Self-Supporting Units
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This session provided an overview of the types of self-supporting funds, considerations of accounting expenditures/costs in calculating charge rates, guidelines on billing customers and issues concerning unrelated business income. The importance of year end FACT sheets will be discussed along with information relating specifically to service plans. The question, "Where do I find my balance?" was answered.

Motivating and Rewarding Your Employees
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To motivate employees, enhance productivity and boost morale, employee recognition should be a permanent part of your management strategy. Look at tried and true techniques for motivating and rewarding your staff. Brainstorm ideas and share best practices about informal recognition and rewards that support UIC Core Values.
Additional course materials from HR Hot Topics Session: pdf 4-Disciplines overview, pdf 4-Disciplines, pdf 7-Habits for Managers Flyer, pdf 7-Habits for Managers Workshop Outline, pdf 7-Habits Flyer,pdf Covey Class Layout, pdf FOCUS Flyer, pdf FOCUS Outlook Edition Flyer, pdf Franklin Covey Class Preparation Checklist, pdf Intro Workshop for Associates, pdf Leadership Flyer

Demystifying the ORS Contracts Approval Process
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This session provided an overview of negotiation strategies and discussion of the approval process for award documents that require a signature acceptance. UIC, as a public university, is subject to state and federal regulations unique to higher education. This session explored those constraints and explained how ORS works with faculty, sponsors, UIC Legal Counsel and the Office of Technology Management to reach agreement while protecting the rights of UIC and the PI.

Using Banner's Budget Module to Meet Your Management and Reporting Needs
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This session examined the Banner Executive Summary Form (FGIBDSR) and provide tips for state and institutional fund queries. The Banner Trial Balance Summary Form (FGITBSR) will be also be reviewed as a tool for determining current cash and fund balance positions for self-supporting and practice plan funds. In addition, the session will cover the "Budget Queries" (Operating Ledger) tools that are available throughout the year to authorized users of the Budget Development module. Tips were provided on how to run budget queries by account or organizational hierarchy and how to quickly export the results to Excel.

NEW Guidelines for Real Estate Leases
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Leases are specialized contracts governed by policies and statutes of both the Board of Trustees and the State of Illinois. These regulations change from time to time and often conflict with standard commercial leasing provisions, causing tension for all parties and delays in executing a lease. In this workshop, awareness was presented on specific requirements and timelines to minimize stress and maximize success when submitting a lease for approval. Discussion included the lease of off-campus space for University use, as well as the licensing of University space for use by third parties.

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Session 2

Strategic Procurement Initiative: Maximize Your Budget & Time by Utilizing University-Wide Contracts & I-Buy
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This session provided an overview of the University's Strategic Procurement Initiative and its history, objectives, and major components. One of those components, iBuy (e-procurement), will be discussed in detail. Attendees gained insight into the benefits of using iBuy for their procurement needs.

Accounting FUNdamentals for Non-Accountants: What You Need to Know to Do Your Job
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This session provided basic accounting concepts and definitions, such as debit vs. credit, fund types and sources, and the relationship among FOAPAL segments. Also included was a discussion about rogue FOAPALs, the Banner Accounting string, and how expense and revenue account codes affect reporting. This session discussed how to find your accounting string balance and interpretation of standard reports.

Re-engineering the Payroll Adjustment Process
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This session provided an overview of the activities underway to rewrite the Adjustment Notification Application (ANA) to streamline the payroll adjustment process. The project to rewrite ANA includes eliminating the need for the Adjustment Processing Form (PZAADJT) and providing one application to report adjustments to pay. Another objective of the session was to get feedback from departmental representatives on the direction and progress of the project to date.

Virtual Research Administration: Grants.gov, UI eRA, and More
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Electronic research administration (eRA) is the future of sponsored project activity allowing a grantee to electronically search, apply, and submit proposals to varied sponsors. Consistent with this evolution, Grants.gov is the e-government initiative designed to improve access to the 26 federal grant-making agencies accounting for over $400B in annual awards from 1000+ grant programs. In response to these changes, the University has implemented UI eRA to administer its pre-award eRA system which employs both a Proposal Tracking and Proposal Development module. This session provided an overview and guidance on how to transition to using UI eRA and Grants.gov.

Maximizing Existing Financial Reporting Tools: EDDIE and More
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This session provided an overview of the EDDIE reporting tool and examine some of the current financial reports that are available in EDDIE. There was discussion about gaps in reporting needs and future reporting options. There was also an opportunity to provide input to an OBFS reporting initiative that is underway.

How to Accurately Report Time and Effort for Faculty Using the Activity Reporting System
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This session provided an overview of the Activity Reporting System (ARS), which collects time and effort data for all academic staff. The session included an introduction to the web ARS system; a review of the compliance requirements for time and effort reporting (both state and federal); a review of the types of activities that are included in reporting; and a discussion on fund sources, salaries and activity types and how these factors impact reporting. It also included discussion on what is required of faculty in certifying time and effort.

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Session 3

How to Develop Revenue Generating Contracts
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Take away a checklist of points to consider in developing your unit's revenue generating agreements (RGA). This workshop provided an overview of the policies and procedures for revenue generating activities and guide you through the development, review and completion of a revenue contract.

Maintaining Your Sanity While Maintaining Your Fixed Assets
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This session provided an overview of the property accounting processes. It focused on common challenges such as equipment disposals and transfers and loaned equipment requirements, and provided tips and tools for taking an accurate physical inventory.

Rules Governing Payment Processing for Foreign Nationals
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This session provided an overview of the process for making payments to foreign nationals in compliance with government regulations. It defined the roles of University Payroll and sponsoring units in this process and provide a basic understanding of the rules regarding an individual’s payment eligibility, tax withholdings, and required support documentation.

Best Practices for Sponsored Project Closeout
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This session will provide an overview of the process for making payments to foreign nationals in compliance with government regulations. It will define the roles of University Payroll and sponsoring units in this process and provide a basic understanding of the rules regarding an individual’s payment eligibility, tax withholdings, and required support documentation.

Expense Reporting with Business Objects & the Data Warehouse
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This session expanded awareness of and provided an introduction to Decision Support's Solution Library. The Solution Library contains DS authored step-by-step instructions and sample Business Objects reports designed to meet specific reporting needs. This session highlighted existing expense reporting solutions utilizing data warehouse data as well as provide information about custom reporting opportunities.

P-Card Pitfalls and Audit Concerns
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This session focused on common pitfalls that will put your P-Card process into non-compliance and how to avoid them. Key areas to be addressed are: separation of duties, sharing of P-Cards or account information, and documentation of business expenses (e.g. business meals) and other sensitive areas (e.g., payment for services) that require detailed accounting and documentation for the separation and reimbursement of personal usage charges. The session will included a review of user roles and responsibilities, do’s and don'ts when purchasing, and ways to monitor and maintain a compliant program.

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Session 4

Policies that Cause Angst: Human Subjects, Paying Students, and Allowable Expenditures Among Others
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This session provided an overview of expenditure policies such as payments to human subjects, payments to students, establishing both domestic and international vendors for payment, and allowable expenditures using University funds. It also included a brief discussion on business travel expenditures.

Developing Internal Controls to Prevent Fraud
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This session provides an overview of the design and implementation of internal controls in University business processes with emphasis on the consideration of fraud. We discussed fraud indicators, traits and characteristics of fraud perpetrators, and the internal control breakdowns that conceal fraud. We then covered the various internal control procedures that management can introduce into the business process to mitigate the occurrence of fraud.

Achieving Excellence Through Customer Service
pdf PDF Handout
This session provided an overview of the design and implementation of internal controls in University business processes with emphasis on the consideration of fraud. We discussed fraud indicators, traits and characteristics of fraud perpetrators, and the internal control breakdowns that conceal fraud. We then covered the various internal control procedures that management can introduce into the business process to mitigate the occurrence of fraud.

How to Manage Cost Transfers to Meet Federal Guidelines
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This session provided an overview of compliance and administrative requirements for cost transfers (i.e., what is allowable and appropriate versus unallowable), and how to avoid having to process cost transfers to meet sponsor guidelines. This session also briefly covered the types of cost transfers, timing requirements and implications, and documentation required to be maintained by the department.

What Schools and Colleges are Doing to Develop Effective Management Reports
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This session provided an overview of some of the tools that have been developed in the College of Medicine and School of Public Health’s Center for the Advancement of Distance Education (CADE) to query and generate management reports from the data warehouse. COM discussed connectivity, query methods, and report generation. Emphasis will be placed on levering the integrated Banner Oracle database to provide consistency across financial, HR, and payroll reporting. CADE will present their quick loading, and live web-based finance and human resources reporting tools. Handouts included pros and cons of working with View Direct, EDDIE, and Business Objects.

Faculty Search and Appointment Processes
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This session provided an overview of the position search process and its requirements, as well as the process for initiating the appointment process (i.e., what actions and documentation are required for the various types of faculty appointments and faculty/administrative appointments). Included was a discussion on Provost and Board of Trustees required approvals.

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Training Courses

Office of Business and Financial Services Office of Vice Chancellor for Research Human Resources

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