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Session Descriptions

Session One: 9:45 am - 10:55 am


Does your unit have gift funds? Have you ever wondered what your gift fund donor intent is, how gift money flows from the Foundation to your Banner gift fund, or how much money is available within your funds?

If so, join us for an Overview of UIF and Banner Gift Funds, where we will discuss these issues and more! By the end of this session, you should have a strong understanding of what gift funds are, what roles UAFR and UIF play, the cycle of a gift, donor intent, and the various applications and resources available to understand and utilize your gift funds.

Budget and Finance
  • Christy Devocelle, Senior VP for Financial & Administrative Operations and Chief Financial Officer
  • Anne Larimore, Finance Accounting & Reporting Coordinator, UAFR

Coming soon...

Description: Especially useful for USCs, understanding the steps to get the access to data you need.

Data and Access

  • Jerry Myers, Functional Area Coordinator, AITS

Coming soon...
Description: This session will provide attendees with strategies for constructing efficient and complete expense reports, and tips for avoiding the most common reasons for expense report returns.


  • Susie Baker, Senior Associate Director-Payment Operations, University Payables
  • Melissa Plotner, Senior Assistant Director- Payment operations, University Payables

Coming soon...
Description: Come hear advice from UIUC Leaders on career advancement at UIUC, the steps that led to their success, what actions they took, how networking helped, and other topics related to moving up at UIUC. This will be an interactive session where participants will have opportunities to ask the presenters questions. 

Professional Development

  • Elizabeth Clawson, Assistant Dean of Budget and Strategic Business Operations, College of Applied Health Sciences Administration
  • Tessa Hile, Assistant Dean for Finance and Administration, Grainger College of Engineering
  • Catherine Ocen, Assistant Dean of Administration and Budget, Graduate College Administration
  • Michael Wellens, Director of Budget and Resource Planning, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Administration

Coming soon...
Description: This session examines the various federal laws and regulations governing export controls and the conduct of University research. Learning objectives include export control and regulations, foreign influence, screening and risk mitigation.


  • Kathy Gentry, Export Compliance Officer, Sponsored Programs Administration
  • Chyvonne Gibson, Deputy Export Compliance Officer, Sponsored Programs Administration

Coming soon...

Session Two: 11:10 am - 12:20 pm


Practices associated with college level budget planning is complex and varies among academic units. This session will feature a panel of campus and academic unit budget leaders who will be available to discuss areas including allocation methodologies, budget reallocations approaches, and best practices for promoting long term unit financial stability. This is a panel discussion with a focus on attendee participation and engagement. Specific questions will be requested from registered attendees in advance of the panel discussion and will be given top priority. Any other questions will be addressed as time permits. Come prepared to engage and learn from colleagues across the academic unit spectrum.


  • Learn about the campus budget history and basics of the IVCB budget model.
  • Participate and share in a collaborative discussion on current academic unit budget allocation and resource issues.
  • Understand the ways in which budgeting practices are similar and divergent across campus units

Budget and Finance

  • Amanda Brown, Executive Assistant Dean for Administration, College of Education
  • Shelley Campbell, Assistant Dean for Administration, Gies College of Business
  • Barb Geissler, Office of the Provost
  • Tessa Hile, Assistant Dean for Finance and Administration, Grainger College of Engineering
  • Paul Redman, Associate Dean for Administration, College of Fine and Applied Arts

Coming soon...
Description: This session will highlight recent changes to Business and Finance guidance regarding Payments to Students, with emphasis on newly published Policies and Procedures, a new Payment Selector Tool, Research and Travel payments, and payments to foreign national students. Time will also be reserved for audience discussion, questions and answers.

Student Financial Services




  • Bill Patterson, Senior Director,University Student Financial Services and Cashier Operations

  • Michelle Bolger, VP Financial Operations/Controller, U of I Foundation 
  • Christy Devocelle, Senior VP for Financial & Administrative Operations and Chief Financial Officer, U of I Foundation
  • Christine Edwards, Assistant Director, Student Financial Aid-Administration 
  • John Laroe, Senior Director, University Accounting Service, UAFR
  • Catherine Ocen, Assistant Dean of Administration and Budget, Graduate College Administration
  • Melissa Plotner, Senior Assistant Director, Payment operations, University Payables
  • Terry Thompson, Senior Director for Treasury Operations, University Tax
  • Kami Van Bellehem, Assistant Payroll Manager, UPB 

Coming soon...
Description: Learn the available sources of finance data and how to modify existing reports for your use

Data Access

  • Jerry Myers, Functional Area Coordinator, AITS

Coming soon...
Description: Part 1: Focus on the Purchasing side of the process - from requisition to purchase order. Presenters will provide an overview of the purchasing process, provide tips and best practices for effectively navigating competitive solicitations (bids and RFPs), exceptions and exemptions, and contract processes.


  • Brad Henson, Director of Purchasing
  • Justin Johnston, Senior Associate Director of Purchasing

Coming soon...
Description: We are all leaders, some formal and some informal and have the capability to impact others and outcomes in the workplace. To best impact others, we need to understand and incorporate the neuroscience of effective communication and collaboration. This is best accomplished when we create conditions where others are open to our ideas and we create shared understandings. Current research reveals that effective leaders have developed eleven competencies found inside four categories: self -development, interpersonal development, organization and group development, and transitional development. This session will cover the neuroscience that supports those four developmental areas in order to more effectively communicate, collaborate and lead.

Professional Development

  • Dave Byers, Interim Senior Associate Director, Business Solutions and Support, Office of the CFO

Coming soon...
Description: Tom will provide an overview of the different ways that people can access and interact with the business data about research administration on the UIUC campus. This will include data and systems managed by the Sponsored Programs Administration, data available from other sources at the University, and also data from external sources, such as the federal government. Tom will also talk about some of the new systems being developed by SPA for making these data more accessible and useful to different types of users. Mark will talk about the “Illinois Experts” Research Information Management System which is a joint project between the Library and the OVCRI that provides a public portal intended to showcase research and scholarship expertise at Illinois and to facilitate connections among our researchers and with those at other institutions.

Primary Learning Objective: Attendees should come away from the presentation with an understanding of the different data sources and the reporting and analytics options available to them for exploring research data.


  • Tom Habing, Director, Data and Systems
  • Mark Zulauf, Research Information Systems Coordinator

Overview of the different ways that people can access and interact with the business data about research administration on the UIUC campus. This will include data and systems managed by the Sponsored Programs Administration, data available from other sources at the University, and also data from external sources, such as the federal government. Tom will also talk about some of the new systems being developed by SPA for making these data more accessible and useful to different types of users. Mark will talk about the “Illinois Experts” Research Information Management System which is a joint project between the Library and the OVCRI that provides a public portal intended to showcase research and scholarship expertise at Illinois and to facilitate connections among our researchers and with those at other institutions.

Primary Learning Objective: Attendees should come away from the presentation with an understanding of the different data sources and the reporting and analytics options available to them for exploring research data.

Session Three: 1:30 pm - 2:40 pm


You may not be directly responsible for the annual FCIAA reporting in your department, but every day we all play a vital role in strengthening our internal control and fraud prevention measures. During the session we will explore the FCIAA questionnaire, walk through several scenarios, and recommend options to strengthen your internal controls.

By attending this session, you will be able to:

  • Identify common internal control weaknesses
  • Identify common areas of fraud
  • Understand importance of segregation of duties
  • Use FCIAA questionnaire to critically review internal controls
  • Think like a university auditor

Budget and Finance

  • Jason Bane, Senior Business and Financial Coordinator, UAFR
  • Darla Hill, Director of Audits, Office of University Audits

Coming soon...
Description: This session will highlight recent changes to Business and Finance guidance regarding Payments to Students, with emphasis on newly published Policies and Procedures, a new Payment Selector Tool, Research and Travel payments, and payments to foreign national students. Time will also be reserved for audience discussion, questions and answers.     

Student Financial Services




  • Bill Patterson, Senior Director, University Student Financial Services and Cashier Operations
  • Michelle Bolger, VP Financial Operations/Controller, U of I Foundation
  • Christy Devocelle, Senior VP for Financial & Administrative Operations and Chief Financial Officer, U of I Foundation
  • Christine Edwards, Assistant Director, Student Financial Aid, Administration
  • John Laroe, Senior Director University Accounting Service, UAFR
  • Catherine Ocen, Assistant Dean of Administration and Budget, Graduate College Administration
  • Melissa Plotner, Senior Assistant Director- Payment Operations, University Payables
  • Terry Thompson, Senior Director for Treasury Operations, University Tax
  • Kami Van Bellehem, Assistant Payroll Manager, UPB

Coming soon...

Learn how to schedule finance reports to be run, delivered and formatted the way you need.


Data Access

  • Jerry Myers, Functional Area Coordinator, AITS

Coming soon...
Description: Part 2: Overview of invoice processing, vendor payment procedures, Travel Expense Management (TEM) tips, how to avoid non-compliance issues, and where to find helpful resources.


  • Jim Martinie, Senior Director, University Payables
  • Susie Baker, Senior Associate Director, Payment Operations, University Payables

Coming soon...

Session Summary: We likely know people who seem to have a lot of awareness about their own emotional state who also seem to know how to manage their emotions (and themselves) when it really counts. They also seem adept at building and maintaining relationships through effective use of empathy and key social skills. Those people would be described as having high Emotional Intelligence (EI), and it can be easy to view them as having some kind of special gift or natural ability that makes them effective. The good news is that we can all raise our emotional self-awareness and develop skills to improve our relationships with others. Attend this session to learn a few tips and hints on how to do so!


  1. Describe what Emotional Intelligence is and what it isn’t
  2. Assess your own level of Emotional Intelligence
  3. Evaluate how you can enhance your Emotional Intelligence
  4. Discover different ways to improve your interactions with others

Professional Development

  • Teresa Oliszewicz, Director, Organizational Development
  • Jackie Billhymer, Human Resources Coordinator, SHRS

Coming soon...

Service and Storeroom Activities (Banner 3E fund types) are established primarily to provide goods or services to internal University departments. Each service activity must calculate and charge rates for the services and/or products they provide. The training session will summarize the various Federal and State regulations, outline methods service center managers should use when identifying costs, determining usage/base, identifying an over/under recovery, setting rates, and charging users.


  1. Identify the policies that are applicable to internal service activities.
  2. Describe the components of a service activity rate calculation.


  • Anne Marshall, Assistant Director Governmental Costing
  • André Britten, Coordinator Governmental Costing

Coming soon...

Session Four: 2:50 pm - 4:00 pm


Do you understand the primary objectives of the Program code? Have you heard references to “NACUBO Functions” and wondered what that means and why it matters? Or, even if you are already familiar with these areas, have you ever needed further details on the proper definition of each NACUBO function as well as examples of activities that would fall under each NACUBO function?

If so, join us for an Overview of Banner Program Codes and NACUBO Functions, where we will talk over all of these issues and more! By the time you leave this session, you should have a strong understanding of how the Program code is utilized within the Banner C-FOAPAL accounting string and why it is so important, along with examples of activities that fall within the various NACUBO functions.


Budget and Finance

  • John Laroe, Senior Director University Accounting Services, UAFR

Coming soon...

Description: This session will discuss Registered Student Organizations on campus. What they can do. What they cannot do. Also discussed will be the funding and account management for RSOs and what to do if an RSO is running a deficit. The session will conclude with a peek into the potential future state of RSOs on campus.           

Student Financial Services

  • Jim Hintz, Associate VC for Student Success Engagement, Student Services Building
  • Eugena ("Gina") Lee-Olukoya, Associate Dean of Students, Office of the Dean of Students

Coming soon...
Description: Understanding the basics of how Tableau visualizes data and use cases of dashboards sourced with university data.

Data Access

  • Jerry Myers, Functional Area Coordinator, AITS
  • Tara Sadler, Business Intelligence Coordinator, AITS

Coming soon...
Description: Session will present steps taken to-date and provide an update on projects and plans targeting improvement of the employee reimbursement process.


  • Jim Martinie, Senior Director, University Payables
  • Darren Strater, Senior Associate Director-Support Operations, University Payables

Coming soon...
Description: Come learn from our panel of experts about the experience, benefits, challenges, structure, and lessons learned with shared services/service center models.

Professional Development

  • Greg Anderson, Director of Budget & Research Planning, Fine & Applied Arts Administration
  • Wendy Balthazor, Business Administration Associate, Vet Med Administration
  • Carol Hartman, Senior Associate Director of Finance Operations, LAS Administration
  • Cindi Howard, Associate Director for Finance and Operations, Krannert Center
  • Brenda Hixson, Director of Business Solutions & Support
  • Bill Reimer, Associate Director of Business Solutions & Support

Coming soon...

If you are new or newish to research administration and/or process or approve financial transactions within your department, join us for the “Top 10ish Things to Know about Post Award Management of Sponsored Programs”. This session is appropriate for grant and non-grant administrators alike.

Learning Objectives:
• Participants will be able to recognize how their role and duties impact sponsored programs
• Participants will be able to identify sponsored program funds and resources for determining allow-ability of costs
• Participants will be able to distinguish among best practices and “must dos” for the post award management of sponsored programs



  • Karen Thomas, Associate Director, Federal Awards, Sponsored Programs Administration
  • Alison Morgan, Associate Director, Non-Federal Awards, Sponsored Programs Administration

Coming soon...