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Concurrent Sessions

Concurrent Session I (12:45 - 1:45 PM)

Concurrent Session II (1:55 - 2:55 PM)

Concurrent Session III (3:10 - 4:10 PM)

TEM: Good Habits and Helpful Hints

PDF Presentation PDF

This session will provide attendees with strategies for constructing efficient, complete ER’s, and for avoiding the most common reasons for ER rejections.


  • Andrea Davis
  • Kristi Weber


  • Concurrent Session I (12:45 - 1:45 PM)
  • Concurrent Session II (1:55 - 2:55 PM)
  • Concurrent Session III (3:10 - 4:10 PM)  

P-Cards and T-Cards: Tips for Running a Successful Card Program

PDF Presentation PDF

This session will provide an overview of the University P-Card and T-Card programs, including card issuance, proper and improper usage of cards, reconciliation processes, management of department card programs, and available resources provided by UPAY Card Services.


  • Kandra Miller
  • Cheryl Harris


  • Concurrent Session I (12:45 - 1:45 PM)
  • Concurrent Session II (1:55 - 2:55 PM)

Special Payments and Payment Exception Requests: What to do When Payments Aren't Business as Usual

PDF Presentation PDF

This session will provide instruction and advice on making expedited payment requests in TEM and special payment requests for PO-related payments. Also covered will be payment exception requests, both how to avoid the need for them, and requesting an exception to policy and/or procedure.


  • Jim Martinie
  • Susie Baker


  • Concurrent Session I (12:45 - 1:45 PM)
  • Concurrent Session II (1:55 - 2:55 PM)

Payments to Human Subjects and Payments to Foreign Nationals

PDF Presentation PDF

This combined session on unique payments will cover the policies and procedures associated with payments to human subjects and payments to foreign nationals. Human subject training will provide information on the procedures for opening a program advance for payments to human subjects, methods of payment allowed to human subjects, taxability thresholds, and requirements for closing advances. The foreign national training will explain the categories of foreign nationals for tax purposes, foreign national payment eligibility, and the process for requesting payment.


  • Tammy Ziegler
  • Kelly Sellers


  • Concurrent Session I (12:45 - 1:45 PM)
  • Concurrent Session II (1:55 - 2:55 PM)

Catering and Events

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This session will explain the necessary requirements for requesting catering or event services, such as events primarily attended by or open to the general public for University purposes, and will discuss common contractual, certification, insurance and licensing issues, when applicable.


  • Ken Burger
  • Jackie Anderson


  • Concurrent Session I (12:45 - 1:45 PM)
  • Concurrent Session II (1:55 - 2:55 PM)

IT Hardware/Software/Virtual Purchases

PDF Presentation PDF

The changing environment in IT technology creates an evolving process in the acquisition of hardware and software requirements supporting higher education. This session will explain avenues for purchasing common IT requirements. 


  • Teri Merrell
  • Justin Johnston


  • Concurrent Session I (12:45 - 1:45 PM)
  • Concurrent Session II (1:55 - 2:55 PM)

Contract Renewals/Two-Party Contracts

PDF Presentation PDF

This session will discuss what is required by Purchasing to process your renewal contracts and provide an understanding of the requirements for two-party contracts, to include, problematic language; how we review for changes and other factors that should be considered.



  • Megan Wells
  • Sarah Chronister


  • Concurrent Session I (12:45 - 1:45 PM)
  • Concurrent Session II (1:55 - 2:55 PM)

Purchasing Furniture and Fixtures

PDF Presentation PDF

Purchasing furniture (classroom and office) can be a daunting process. This session will explain current ordering procedures through existing University furniture contracts and the requirements for purchasing from non-University contracts. We’ll also discuss policies regarding surplus furniture and furniture available through Illinois Correctional System.


  • Andrew Gabel
  • Marcy Wright


  • Concurrent Session I (12:45 - 1:45 PM)

Capital Project or Equipment Purchase…Who are you going to call?

PDF Presentation PDF

This session provides an opportunity to learn more about the steps in the Capital Delivery Process, how to determine if your purchase is a capital project or an equipment purchase, and the specific roles and responsibilities of Capital Programs versus Purchasing.


  • Helen Coleman, Director of Capital Programs
  • Sean Reeder, Assistant Director of UOCP&RES
  • Chris Rogan, Assistant Director of UOCP&RES


  • Concurrent Session II (1:55 - 2:55 PM)

Request for Proposal (RFP) / Invitation for Bid (IFB)

PDF Presentation PDF

This session will provide guidance and training on what Purchasing needs from you when generating RFP and IFB documents for competitive solicitations. Information on State templates and requirements will be provided. 


  • Jay Simpson
  • Ryan Johnson


  • Concurrent Session II (1:55 - 2:55 PM)

Honoraria, Consultants and Other Contracts for Services, Oh My

PDF Presentation PDF

This session will explain the contracting and payment processes for various types of services. We’ll review the definition of honoraria and how to process honoraria payments, and discuss the Contracts for Services under $10,000, the Contract for Procurement of Services templates and inform departments on important terms to be aware of and what is required prior to submission.


  • Deb Gorvin
  • Jay Simpson
  • Tammy Ziegler


  • Concurrent Session III (3:10 - 4:10 PM)

PO Invoice Processing: Tips for Submission and Tracking

PDF Presentation PDF

This session will provide instruction on PO invoice submission, and on how to track invoice payments in Banner. Also covered is how to determine if an invoice has been put on hold or rejected, and how to resolve the issue.


  • Jerald Kimble
  • Angela Bensyl


  • Concurrent Session III (3:10 - 4:10 PM)

iBuy Processing and Keys to Success

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This session will provide useful guidance on successful processing of orders within the iBuy system. Proper routing, requirements, distribution, payment and shipping instructions will be covered.


  • Megan Wells


  • Concurrent Session III (3:10 - 4:10 PM)

Sole Source Requirements

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This session provided by the State Procurement Officer (SPO) will explain the requirements within the Illinois Procurement Code for processing sole source requests and offer tips for submitting accurate, compliant, and justifiable sole source requests.


  • Aaron Finder


  • Concurrent Session III (3:10 - 4:10 PM)

OBFS Purchasing and Payables Policy Updates

PDF Presentation PDF

This session will provide updates on recent and pending purchasing and payables policies at the University and will discuss how to locate, search and utilize the policy pages. In addition, we will take a look at the legislative and University policy framework for purchasing and payables and provide a foundation for how statutes, rules and policies relate to each other. The session will conclude with a discussion about recent and pending changes to legislation that may affect the procurement process. 


  • Dan Szajna
  • Jim Martinie


  • Concurrent Session III (3:10 - 4:10 PM)

Tax Implications for Payments

PDF Presentation PDF

This session provided by the Office of Treasury will discuss the many aspects of when tax requirements apply to employee and non-employee reimbursement payments for such actions as moving/relocation, travel, special events.


  • Terry Thompson


  • Concurrent Session III (3:10 - 4:10 PM)