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Tuesday, April 5, 2016

  7:15 am - 8:00 am Registration (light breakfast provided)
  8:00 am - 8:15 am Welcome by Ginger Velazquez, Interim AVP for Business and Finance and Duane Elmore, AVP for Procurement Services
  8:15 am - 9:15 am CPO Presentation by Ben Bagby
  9:15 am - 10:00 am Purchase to Pay 101 (General Session)

PDF Presentation PDF

  10:00 am - 10:15 am Break  
  10:15 am - 11:30 am Purchase to Pay 101 (General Session)

PDF Presentation PDF

  11:30 am - 12:45 pm Buffet Lunch (provided)  
  12:15 pm - 12:30 pm Lunch Session: What's on the Horizon by Duane Elmore

PDF Presentation PDF

  12:45 pm - 1:45 pm Concurrent Session I
  • TEM: Good Habits and Helpful Hints
  • P-Cards and T-Cards: Tips for Running a Successful Card Program
  • Special Payments and Payment Exception Requests: What to do When Payments Aren't Business as Usual
  • Human Subject Payments: Checks, Gift Cards and Payments to Foreign Nationals
  • Catering and Events
  • IT Hardware/Software/Virtual Purchases
  • Contract Renewals/Two-Party Contracts
  • Purchasing Furniture and Fixtures
  1:45 pm - 1:55 pm Break  
  1:55 pm - 2:55 pm Concurrent Session II
  • TEM: Good Habits and Helpful Hints
  • P-Cards and T-Cards: Tips for Running a Successful Card Program
  • Special Payments and Payment Exception Requests: What to do When Payments Aren't Business as Usual
  • Capital Project or Equipment Purchase…Who are you going to call?
  • Catering and Events
  • IT Hardware/Software/Virtual Purchases
  • Contract Renewals/Two-Party Contracts
  • Request for Proposal (RFP) / Invitation for Bid (IFB)
  2:55 pm - 3:10 pm Break
  3:10 pm - 4:10 pm Concurrent Session III
  • TEM: Good Habits and Helpful Hints
  • Honoraria, Consultants and Other Contracts for Services, Oh My
  • PO Invoice Processing: Tips for Submission and Tracking
  • iBuy Processing and Keys to Success
  • Sole Source Requirements
  • OBFS Purchasing and Payables Policy Updates
  • Tax Implications for Payments