Beginner Track Workshops

  1. Banner Tips & Tricks
  2. Contracts 101
  3. Fund Accounting 101
  4. iBuy Tips & Tricks
  5. Processing Payments Properly

Banner Tips & Tricks

PDF Presentation PDF

Learn how to utilize Banner to get the maximum results! We’ll decode the crazy Banner form names, show which Banner form to use for different processes, and shortcuts and tips to use Banner for searches and so much more!

Learning Objectives:

  • Use Banner more efficiently utilizing shortcuts and tips provided.
  • Know the correct Banner form to use for different processes.


  • Sherri Faith, Associate Director, University Accounting and Financial Reporting
  • Matt Murphy, Assistant Director, NIH Awards, Grants and Contracts Office.
  • Department Business Manager TBD
  • Jason Bane, Senior Business & Financial Coordinator, University Accounting and Financial Reporting

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Contracts 101

PDF Presentation PDF

This workshop will cover all the basic information that a user new to processing contracts on the Urbana campus needs to know. Topics will include basic contract elements, forms and templates, contract routing and execution, and introduce users to the Illinois Contract System (iCS).

Learning Objectives:

  • Inform users new to working with University contracts with the basic information they need to initiate and route a contract.
  • Provide information about additional resources related to contract processing.


  • Julie Townsend, Coordinator of University Contracts, Contract Services Office
  • TBD, OBFS Urbana Purchasing

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Fund Accounting 101

PDF Presentation PDF

Let’s discuss Fund Accounting at the University of Illinois! What are State funds, institutional funds, self-supporting funds, and gift funds? What are the best practices for these funds? Join University Accounting and Financial Reporting as we provide an overview of these funds, limitations on use, common mistakes and ways to avoid them.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify the basics of Fund Accounting.
  • Review best practices for State, institutional, self-supporting, and gift funds.
  • Examine methods to avoid common mistakes.


  • Tim Parrish, Financial Accounting and Reporting Analyst, University Accounting and Financial Reporting
  • Jason Bane, Senior Business & Financial Coordinator, University Accounting and Financial Reporting

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iBuy Tips & Tricks

PDF Presentation PDF

This workshop covers iBuy best practices, helpful hints, and tricks. We will review solutions detailed in our FAQs and discuss our top service desk requests. We will also provide an overview available training and highlight features in the upcoming iBuy release available at the end of March 2015.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify iBuy frequently asked questions and solutions.
  • Find and complete the Service Request Form.
  • Locat the iBuy website and training resources.


  • Jeannine Reese, Associate Applications Analyst, AS Business Information Systems
  • Tyler Tanaka, Instructional Designer, AS Training, Performance Development, Communications and Policy

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Processing Payments Properly

PDF Presentation PDF

This workshop will cover how to determine the proper process/method for payments and how to use the available systems and tools to accomplish the desired transaction most efficiently.

Learning Objectives:

  • Provide newer employees with a basic background of the payment process at the University of Illinois.
  • Share and discuss existing University resources (websites, job aids, etc.) that provide instructions and guidance needed to initiate and conduct a transaction.
  • Provide a Q&A session to discuss specific examples of situations.


  • Kandra Miller, Assistant Director, University Payables, Procurement Services
  • Tammy Ziegler, Business Administrative Associate, University Payables, Procurement Services

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