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1. Banner Finance and HR/Payroll Tips and Tricks
2. Budget Basics
3. Current Issues in Accounting
4. Current Issues in Payroll
5. Enhancing Organizational Effectiveness through Goal Setting and Process Improvement
6. Hiring: A to Z
7. Job Audits and Appeals
8. P-Card and Accounts Payable Update
9. UIS Contracts Processing / Purchasing Compliance Requirements

Banner Finance and HR/Payroll Tips and Tricks

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For the most part, we have all adjusted to Banner. But are there faster ways to get the information you need? Are there shortcuts to move through forms? What are the search options? And what do those form names mean? This workshop will introduce the Banner user to aspects of the system that may still be untapped, and could very likely improve efficiency and reduce aggravation!
Learning Objectives:

  • Obtain information about shortcuts, form naming conventions, queries, navigation, and other tips and tricks to help the user with Banner.
  • Improve efficiency and decrease aggravation in the office by utilizing more features of Banner on a daily basis.


  • Patricia Austin, Administrative Aide, Academic Affairs
  • Sherri Faith, Assistant Director, University Accounting and Financial Reporting

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Budget Basics

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This workshop will examine the Banner Executive Summary Form (FGIBDSR) and provide tips for state and institutional fund queries. The Banner Trial Balance Summary Form (FGITBSR) will be also reviewed as a tool for determining current cash and fund balance positions for self-supporting funds. In addition, the workshop will cover management report tools that are available throughout the year in EDDIE.
Learning Objectives:

  • Familiarize attendees with budget-related concepts that will be useful in understanding the financial position of their units.
  • Provide awareness of on-line resources that are available to assist with budget issues.


  • Jackie Gillock, Associate Director of Budget and Financial Analysis, OBFS

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Current Issues in Accounting

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Join University Accounting staff as they share information on best practices for state funds, self-supporting issues, and sales tax guidelines. A moderator will facilitate the discussion around the prepared topics.
Learning Objectives:

  • To mitigate recurring state fund issues.
  • To mitigate recurring self-supporting issues.
  • To recognize sales tax guidelines and when they apply.


  • Denise Stanley, Assistant Controller, University Accounting and Financial Reporting
  • Brent Rasmus, Associate Director, University Accounting Services, University Accounting and Financial Reporting
  • Jason Bane, Business and Financial Coordinator, Accounting Information Management, University Accounting and Financial Reporting
  • John Laroe, Business and Financial Coordinator, University Accounting and Financial Reporting
  • Roger Wade, Business and Financial Coordinator, University Accounting and Financial Reporting

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Current Issues in Payroll

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A team of Payroll subject matter experts will address the most common payroll issues. We will provide tips and tools on solutions and how to prevent common problems from occurring. Time allowing, we will answer questions from the audience.
Learning Objectives:

  • When adjustments should be processed and why
  • When to report an overpayment – how are they collected, how they affect the employee’s W2
  • Fringe rates, how they work, how they are charged
  • Taxable benefits – what are they and how are they reported and what is the effect on the employee


  • Larry Hanyzewski, Assistant Director, University Payroll Operations
  • Pam Hatton, University Payroll Manager
  • Don Smith, University Payroll Manager

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Enhancing Organizational Effectiveness through Goal Setting and Process Improvement

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The presenter will discuss how strategic planning can improve organizational functioning and effectiveness. Specifically, participants will learn the importance of having a shared mission, review and improve processes, identify SMART goals and track progress. Examples and templates will be provided and participants will have the opportunity to write goals that are specific, measurable and time bound as well as map processes.
Learning Objectives:

  • Identify how strategic planning can improve your work processes.
  • Create goals that are specific, measurable and time bound.
  • Obtain strategic planning templates and examples.


  • Barbara Geissler, Assistant Dean for Administration and Finance, College of Education, Urbana-Champaign Campus
  • Monica Miller, Assistant Director, Biological Safety Section Head, Division of Research Safety, Urbana-Champaign Campus

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Hiring: A to Z

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This workshop will include an overview of the hiring process from requesting the position to filling the position. We will discuss necessary forms, approval routing paths, internal posting requirements, and HR applications used for the hiring process.
Learning Objective:

  • Familiarize staff and managers with the intricacies of the hiring process and the forms and systems involved in the process.


  • Melanie Trimm, Employment Services Manager

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Job Audits and Appeals

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This workshop will cover the job audit process, from requesting the job audit through the time the Unit processes the PITR. This includes tips for preparing for the audit, a discussion of the audit processes as well as who is responsible for what throughout the audit process. Also included will be a discussion of the job audit appeal process.
Learning Objectives:

  • Familiarize staff and managers with the job audit process.
  • Provide information necessary to assist units in preparing for the job audit process from start to finish, including the appeal process.


  • Mark Owens, Labor Relations Manager

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P-Card and Accounts Payable Updates

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Formal presentation and question-and-answer period regarding P-Card and Accounts Payable policies and procedures updates, including reimbursements, cell phone / Internet / data stipend, payments to Human Subjects, voucher processing and P-Card roles.
Learning Objectives:

  • To help units understand the policy and procedure changes that have been made in the payment arena.
  • To help units understand how to get processes completed correctly the first time.


  • Sandy Ehler, Executive Director, University Payables
  • Steve Wiggs, Director, University Payables

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UIS Contracts Processing / Purchasing Compliance Requirements

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This workshop will focus on how to navigate the University contracting process at UIS. The presenter will define types of contracts, content requirements and signature policies and procedures. The presenter will present the basic information that you need to know about University Contracts and also touch upon the compliance requirements of the Procurement Policy Board, University Board of Trustees and the Illinois Procurement Code.
Learning Objectives:

  • Provide attendees with information that will be useful in understanding UIS contract processing.
  • Provide awareness of the various Procurement requirements of the State of Illinois.


  • Mike Bloechle, Director of Purchasing, OBFS

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