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About the Conference

This is the eighth year this conference is being offered for UIC academic fiscal officers and school/college/department administrators with high-level research, human resources, and business and finance responsibilities. The mission of the conference is to provide its audience with knowledge, resources, and networking opportunities to enable them to manage the challenges they face and pursue excellence in their roles at the university.


  • To facilitate the sharing of best practices, new knowledge, tips, and tools that are relevant to this target audience and that can be passed down to their staff;
  • To provide a forum for this target audience to share problems and concerns and develop possible solutions for some of the most challenging issues they face;
  • To encourage networking and collaboration across units, departments, and schools/colleges;
  • To recognize the importance of the work being done by this group of administrators and foster a greater sense of purpose and camaraderie.

Conference Sponsors

  • Michael Amiridis, Chancellor
  • Susan Poser, Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
  • Mitra Dutta, Vice Chancellor for Research
  • Janet Parker, Associate Chancellor for Budget and Financial Administration
  • Michael Ginsburg, Associate Vice Chancellor for Human Resources
  • Gloria Keeley, Interim Assistant Vice President for Business and Finance

Conference Planning Team

  • Dave Byers, OBFS, Associate Director for Business Solutions and Support
  • Bernadette Rossmoore, OBFS, Coordinator of Business and Financial Services
  • ​Seth Yoder​, OBFS, Organizational Development Specialist
  • ​Deborah Allen​, OBFS, Organizational Development Specialist