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University of Illinois
Office of the President
Office of the Senior Associate Vice President (SAVP) for Business and Finance (OBFS)
Office of Procurement Diversity (OBFS)


Message from Michael B. Bass, Senior Associate Vice President and Deputy Comptroller, OBFS, University Administration

President Robert A. Easter is requesting University Vice Presidents, Business Managers and Buyers with responsibilities for procuring various professional and general services to support the Office of Procurement Diversity's 2015 Professional Services Diversity Symposium. The Symposium will provide a platform for diverse professional services firms and select suppliers to present their capabilities to key internal staff. The intent of this outreach initiative is to build relationships that may lead to procurement opportunities that meet the University’s needs. The 2015 Professional Services Diversity Symposium will be key to increase spend with diverse firms.

The Symposium will provide an opportunity for key staff members to attend presentations by diverse firms, followed by a reception to network with representatives of these firms. The 2015 Professional Services Diversity Symposium will be held on Wednesday, April 1, 2015 from 11:30am until 7:30pm at UIC Forum located at 725 West Roosevelt Road, Chicago, IL 60607.

President Easter is committed to this initiative as it represents a clear demonstration of our core value of diversity and inclusion in economic development with a focus on excellence.


The Symposium consists of individual presentations provided by diverse firms in the six (6) professional services and supplier categories. University staff is encouraged to register and attend as many presentations in the areas that could potentially meet the University’s procurement needs.

Networking Reception

President Robert A. Easter requests your attendance at the Networking Reception immediately following the Symposium. President Easter is hosting this reception in appreciation of participating firms and supporters for making this event a success. Take advantage of the opportunity to network with members of the Illinois General Assembly, Board of Trustee Members, and University Leadership, as the Office of Procurement Diversity enhances diversity and inclusion at the University of Illinois.


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