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Workshop Breakout Session 4

3:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Presented By:
  • Joanne Tolbert-Wells, Director of Recruitment and Staffing
Description: This workshop will provide an overview of changes to be made to the civil service hiring process. Participants will receive information about the new customer service standards and partnership expectations regarding civil service hiring.
  • Identify the changes in civil service hiring including new standards and expectations.
Presented By:
  • Kevin Fair, Interim Director of OBFS Purchasing (Moderator)
  • Julia Kilgore, iBuy Trainer, OBFS Purchasing
  • Ruth Rios, Senior Contract Coordinator, OBFS Purchasing
  • Kandra Miller, Assistant Director, OBFS University Payables
  • Panel of Business Managers
Description: This workshop will review the best methods for purchasing various items, including when to use the P-Card versus a requisition or iBuy catalog. You will hear how several Business Managers make these decisions. We will cover purchasing methods for generally small and non-formal bid purchases. (Formal bid level purchasing needs are addressed in session 2’s How To Get Your RFP Or Bid Out Faster workshop.) Types of purchases will include the following:
--Small purchase limits
--iBuy catalog
--P-Card and T-Card
--P&A under $5,000
--P&A over $5,000-$19,999
--Sole Source purchases
--Exempt purchases
--Joint and Cooperative purchasing
--Contracts Search Tool

  • Identify the proper procurement method to be used when purchasing your unit’s goods and services.
Presented By:
  • Mandy Bodine, Assistant Director, AITS Decision Support
  • Jerry Myers, Functional Area Coordinator, AITS Decision Support
Description: This workshop will provide details and tips on the Electronic Data Warehouse (EDW) Business Objects universe Finance Travel and Expense. This universe allows you to report on unattached T-Card transactions, identify how long expense reports take at each stage of the process and identify if employees have set up a proxy in the TEM system. Come to learn how the universe can assist your department in accessing the data from TEM.
  • Access data from the TEM system to prepare departmental reports.
Presented By:
  • Jeff Weaver, Senior Associate Director, University Accounting and Financial Reporting
Description: This workshop will provide an overview of State and Federal regulations and compliance issues along with related University Equipment Management policies and procedures. You will receive tips and tools to better manage equipment inventory, avoid common problems, and prevent and detect errors and fraud.
  • Review the equipment management responsibilities of the Business Manager.
  • Identify key regulations and policies related to Equipment Management.
  • Examine helpful tips and tools for Inventory Management that can be applied to your department’s processes.
Presented By:
  • Youngwook Song, Associate Director, Administrative Information Technology Services
  • Jan Novakofski, Associate Vice Chancellor for Research for Compliance, UIUC
  • Jennifer Rowan, Executive Director, Research Administration and Operations, OVCR
  • Jacqueline Berger, Director of Communications and Interim Executive Director, Information Technology, OVCR
Description: START (Systemwide Tools for Administration of Research and Training) is the implementation of Kuali Coeus (KC) open source software for grants management and myResearch is the Principal Investigator (PI) portal that will integrate and display information from a number of different university systems, giving faculty access to the information they need to prepare, submit, route, and manage their grants.

This is a multi-year project with five major research support areas – Conflict of Interest (COI), Principal Investigator (PI) Portal, Pre-award, Institutional Review Board (IRB), and Institutional Animal Care and Review Committee (IACUC). The goal is to minimize the administrative burdens of managing faculty research in order to increase productivity and the value of the University’s portfolio.
  • Review the overall objective, scope, and roadmap of the START myResearch project.
  • Discuss how START myResearch may impact you and/or your clients in terms of research support.


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