Conference Materials

The Bringing Administrators Together Conference was held on April 27th, 2011. Click to open the conference brochure PDF Presentation.

Please contact the conference planning team at if you have any questions about the conference.

If you are interested in viewing the results from the overall conference evaluation, please click here PDF Presentation.


Plenary Sessions

Campus Update - Provost PDF Presentation
Sponsor Update - Office of Business and Financial Services PDF Presentation
Sponsor Update - Office of Human Resources PDF Presentation
Sponsor Update - Office of Vice Chancellor for Research PDF Presentation


  1. The Civil Service Audit and Beyond: Job Analysis and Conversions at UIC

  2. Effective Administration to Support Commercialization of Research Discoveries

  3. Effective Management: Civil Service 101 - Parts 1 and 2

  4. Facilitating Research via Information Technology (Intro to OVCR Electronic Systems)

  5. iBuy - Solutions for Problems You May Be Experiencing

  6. Implementation of the Space Economy

  7. Implementing Shared Service Centers

  8. Motivating and Rewarding Employees

  9. New and Upcoming Business and Finance Policies and Systems

  10. New Reporting Tools

  11. Sponsored Programs Compliance: It's Not Just Vaporware!

  12. Status of Academic Directions and the Administrative Review & Restructuring Initiative at UIC

  13. Status of the Administrative Review & Restructuring Initiative at the University Level

The Civil Service Audit and Beyond: Job Analysis and Conversions at UIC

During this workshop, the presenter will share the current status of job analysis and review its impact on college/unit staff structures, i.e., job categories and titles, following the completed campus-wide initiative.

PDF Presentation PDF Presentation

Learning Objective:

    • Receive an update of UIC's recent Civil Service audit and the plan of action.


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    • Anniese Lemond, Director of Compensation, Human Resources

Effective Administration to Support Commercialization of Research Discoveries

Business managers and other administrative professionals who support research faculty and research programs need to have a good understanding of relevant University policies and practices to be effective. This workshop is focused upon research and commercialization and provides a review of key policies and practices, an examination of tools and forms, and information about activities that support effective administration to support commercialization of research discoveries.

PDF Presentation PDF Presentation

Learning Objectives:

    • Become familiar with University General Rules regarding research gifts, grants and contracts, technical tests, and preferential treatment of sponsors;
    • Become familiar with the processes supporting Material Transfer Agreements;
    • Understand the importance of the Disclosure of IP and Publication Rights form;
    • Become familiar with the invention disclosure process with the UIC Office of Technology Management;
    • Understand the importance of planning for successful protection of intellectual property;
    • Become familiar with the process of technology licensing and commercialization.


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    • Brenda Barrie, Grants and Contracts Coordinator, Office of Research Services
    • Jeremy Hollis, Technology Manager, Office of Technology Management

Effective Management: Civil Service 101 - Parts 1 and 2

This workshop will provide an overview of all aspects of Civil Service employment. It will cover a brief summary of the State University Civil Service System law and regulations, and related internal policies and procedures that are relevant for managing this employee category at UIC, including such topics as hiring, discipline and discharge, categories of union and open range, layoff and bumping, and a concise discussion on the status of the UIC job analysis project.

PDF Presentation PDF Presentation

Learning Objective:

    • Develop a more in-depth understanding of Civil Service rules, policies and procedures as they relate to managing Civil Service employees.


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    • Thomas H. Riley, Jr., Director of Labor and Employee Relations, Human Resources
    • Anniese Lemond, Director of Compensation, Human Resources
    • Mirta Mendez, Director of Employment Services, Human Resources

Facilitating Research via Information Technology (Intro to OVCR Electronic Systems)

PDF Presentation PDF presentation

This workshop will provide an introduction to OVCR electronic systems (REDCap, RiSCWeb, caTissue and ORSWeb) and their impact on research. REDCap is a secure web application for building and managing online databases and surveys. RISCWeb is a web-based full-cycle protocol submission and tracking system which allows researchers to submit their IRB submissions online. caTissue Suite is caBIG's biorepository tool for biospecimen inventory management, tracking, and annotation. ORSWeb is an online document delivery platform connecting Office of Research Services and research personnel across the UIC campus.

Learning Objectives:

    • Discover how REDCap provides audit trails for tracking data manipulation, user activity and automated export procedures;
    • Hear how RISCweb provides automatic routing and tracking of submissions in real time;
    • Review how caTissue permits users to enter and retrieve data concerning the collection, storage, quality assurance, and distribution of biospecimens;
    • Discover how ORSWeb allows researchers to submit grant applications and other pre-award documents via a simple but efficient web-interface.


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    • Mauneel Desai, Executive Director, Research Information Systems Technology
    • Himanshu Sharma, Specialist, OVCR Technical Support

iBuy - Solutions for Problems You May Be Experiencing

This workshop will provide information about how to use the iBuy system more effectively. Based on information received from service desk tickets, we will review areas that are most challenging to users. Also, we will include helpful tips to improve your shopping experience.

PDF Presentation PDF Presentation

Learning Objectives:

    • Set up a profile to ensure the accuracy of the requisition including finding shipping addresses;
    • Review enhanced search functionality to find suppliers and products;
    • Use requisition history to locate returned requisitions and/or rejected purchase orders.


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    • Eugene Suwanski, Interim Director, OBFS Purchasing
    • Barbara Roemer, Associate Director of Production Support, OBFS Business Information Systems
    • Lauri Quick, Senior Coordinator / Software Analyst, OBFS Business Information Systems

Implementation of the Space Economy

PDF Presentation PDF Presentation

Space Economy User Guide Version X PDF Presentation

In FY 2013, the campus is implementing a new model for distributing space cost to units. There will be a short presentation providing the rationale for the policy and a general overview of it. The majority of time will be used for detailed questions from participants about how it will work and the potential impact on their units.

Learning Objective:

    • To gain a more detailed understanding of the space economy at UIC.


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    • Todd Van Neck, Director of Budgeting and Program Analysis, OVCAA
    • Dale Rush, Resource and Policy Analyst, Budgeting & Program Analysis, OVCAA
    • Fernando Howell, Assistant Director, Facility and Space Planning
    • Jerry Lockwood, Assistant Director, Facility and Space Planning

Implementing Shared Service Centers

PDF Presentation PDF Presentation

Shared service centers are teams of business, finance, research and human resources administrators who service more than one department. In this session, participants will learn how to identify opportunities to create shared service centers, different models already in use, and their potential to reduce costs. Participants in this roundtable discussion will include administrators who have implemented shared service centers within their units, what they have learned and the pitfalls to avoid.

Learning Objective:

    • To develop an understanding of the concept of shared service centers, different models that exist and how they can reduce costs.


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    • Frank Goldberg, Vice Provost for Resource Planning and Management, OVCAA

Motivating and Rewarding Employees

Employee recognition should be a permanent part of management’s strategy to motivate employees and enhance job performance. The purpose of this session is to share techniques for motivating and rewarding employees across colleges and administrative units. Participants will be given the opportunity to brainstorm ideas and share best practices about informal recognition and rewards that support UIC Core Values during this interactive session.

PDF Presentation PDF Presentation

Learning Objective:

    • Learn new ways to reward your employees beyond salary increases.


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    • Jacqueline Berger, Director of Communications, Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research
    • Liz Budzik, Director of Resources Management, Human Resources

New and Upcoming Business and Finance Policies and Systems

This workshop will provide information on new and revised OBFS P-Card/Travel/Accounts Payable policies and systems. Included will be updates on the Contract Management System and the Travel Expense Management System.

PDF Presentation PDF Presentation

Contract Management System Overview PDF Presentation

Learning Objective:

    • Receive an update on new and revised policies and systems.


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    • Sandra Ehler, Executive Director, OBFS University Payables
    • Steve Wiggs, Director, OBFS University Payables
    • Darren Strater, Assistant Director, OBFS University Payables
    • Francis Jatico, Director, OBFS Business Development Services

New Reporting Tools

This workshop will cover universe options available for various reporting needs. Also, a new tool will be highlighted for trending expenditures, the Expense Trends OLAP Cube in Excel. A selection of sample reports will be highlighted, including the College or Department Multifund report, Single Grant overview (for a PI or Sponsored Research administrator), and more!

PDF Presentation PDF Presentation secure document

Learning Objectives:

    • Premiere expenditure analysis via Excel;
    • Assist users in identifying the best tool(s) to use based on their needs.


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    • Beth Ladd, Assistant Director, Business Information, AITS
    • Mark Pollard, Functional Area Coordinator, Business Information, AITS

Sponsored Programs Compliance: It's Not Just Vaporware!

How vulnerable is your department during the federal audit? This workshop is designed to discuss the FY09 and FY10 federal A133 audit findings focusing on lessons learned and eminent changes. Although your award may not have been selected for audit this year, these findings apply to everyone conducting research and you will find through the case study format how vulnerable your departmental practices may be. We will give a high level overview of the overall process but more importantly, you will discover how you can address the practices deemed inappropriate, inadequate or unacceptable from the auditors' perspectives. All cases will be real cases based on UIC experiences but the names will be changed to protect the innocent.

PDF Presentation PDF Presentation

Learning Objective:

    • Understand how the recent federal compliance audits are changing the landscape of research administration at the department and central office level.


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    • Vanessa Peoples, Executive Director, OBFS Grants and Contracts
    • Fuller Lyons, Associate Director, OBFS Grants and Contracts
    • LaShawnda Hall, Assistant Director, OBFS Grants and Contracts

Status of Academic Directions and the Administrative Review & Restructuring Initiative at UIC

The presentation will review progress, findings, and recommendations of the five UIC Administrative Review and Restructuring (ARR) Task Forces with the main focus being the Academic Directions Task Force. Here the presentation will focus on identifying a process for assessing the academic qualities of UIC’s 91 departments, lessons learned along the way, and the current status of the project. Discussion will be invited on how to integrate what we’ve learned through the Academic Directions process into an annual report that will also be useful for department heads and deans, and that will also inform the eight year IBHE Academic Program Review process and the 10-year NCA re-accreditation process.

PDF Presentation PDF Presentation

Learning Objectives:

    • Learn the current status of the campus ARR task force and future plans for the campus ARR Task Force findings;
    • Receive detailed knowledge of the process used by the Academic Directions Task Force;
    • Gain an understanding of how we might integrate, synergize and, hopefully, not duplicate the academic directions processes with an annual report that can serve both our IBHE and NCA reporting requirements.


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    • Lon Kaufman, Vice Provost for Planning and Programs

Status of the Administrative Review & Restructuring Initiative at the University Level

This presentation will provide an overview of the purpose and goals of the Administrative Review and Restructuring (ARR) Initiative, recommendations from the report developed by the ARR working group, and the work of the implementation teams, including progress to date and next steps. Among the recommendations to be reviewed are those on information technology, human resources, strategic procurement and organizational structure.

PDF Presentation PDF Presentation

Learning Objective:

    • Gain a basic understanding of the ARR Initiative and its impact on the University campuses.


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    • Avijit Ghosh, Special Assistant to the President