Conference Materials

Bringing Administrators Together Conference was held on March 6th & 7th, 2008. Click here for the pdf conference brochure.

Please contact the conference planning team at if you have any questions about the conference.

Conference Evaluation Results

Opens PDF File PDF Presentation

Plenary Sessions

Provost Tanner’s Presentation on the State of the Campus

Opens PDF File PDF Slides

Conference Sponsors' Presentation on Key Issues/Organizational Changes

Opens PDF File PDF Slides

President White's Presentation on Leadership

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Thursday - Workshop Breakout Session 1

New and Upcoming Business & Finance Policy Changes: Cell Phones, Internet, P-Card and More

Opens PDF File PDF Slides
This workshop presented the new cell phone/PDA/Internet policy. The benefits of the stipend program versus the labor intensive documentation processes required of reimbursements/University-provided phones were thoroughly discussed. In addition, an overview of the recent changes to the University's P-Card program and the FY07 audit results was given. Specific areas that were covered included recent changes to OBFS Policies & Procedures - Section 7.6, the University P-Card, and the successful implementation of the self-paced on-line P-Card training.

Sandra Ehler
, Executive Director, University Payables
Terry Thompson
, Director, University Tax
Stephen Wiggs
, Director, Corporate Card Operations

The Big Picture: Resource Allocation at UIC

Opens PDF File PDF Slides
This session covered the condition of the national and state economies as they affect UIC, the condition of and trends in the higher education industry generally, the State funding environment, cost drivers on the campus, how the campus determines what resources are available, where they go, and how those allocation decisions are made.

Frank Goldberg, Vice Provost for Resource Planning & Management

Grad Students as Employees and the GEO Collective Bargaining Agreement

Opens PDF File PDF Slides
The collective bargaining agreement between the University and the Graduate Employees' Organization covering TAs and GAs at UIC is the largest and newest bargaining unit on campus, and one that impacts almost every department.  This presentation covered the history of how the assistants unionized, the bargaining of the first contract, and the substance, procedures and practical tips relegated to the provisions of the new collective bargaining agreement.  In addition, participants received information regarding resources available to address relevant issues.

Tom Riley
, Director, Labor & Employee Relations
Amy Levant, Associate Dean for Administration, Graduate College

Demystifying the Institutional Review Board (IRB) Process

pdf PDF Slides
This was a presentation for individuals involved in the IRB process - not on the level of an investigator, but on the administrative level - preparing the applications, tracking protocols, and managing the documents for the investigator. The IRB process is not complicated; our goal was to clarify the process and the elements involved and create a basic level of understanding in managing IRB protocols.

Cynthia Tom-Klebba
, Associate Director, Office for the Protection of Research Subjects
Teresa Johnston
, Assistant Director, IRB #1

A Day in the Life of a Business Manager Using Banner

pdf Banner Finance Forms PDF Handout, pdf Banner HR Forms PDF Handout,
pdf Banner Student Forms PDF Handout, pdf Banner Cheat Session PDF Handout
We demonstrated commonly used Banner forms from the Finance, HR/Payroll and Student modules and how they can help you in your daily business operations.

Bill Schmilke
, Assistant to the Head, Department of Chemical Engineering

Addressing Conflict and Managing Stress in the Workplace

pdf PDF Slides
Conflict and stress in the workplace are natural and the ability to deal effectively with both is a requirement in today's organizational environment. This workshop examined the root causes of conflict and stress and provided practical strategies to minimize and overcome their existence.

Julius Rhodes, Interim Director, Organizational Effectiveness (HR)

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Thursday - Workshop Breakout Session 2

Current Issues in Accounting

pdf PDF Slides
University Accounting staff members shared information on topics such as self-supporting issues, sales tax in fund raising efforts, gift policies, UBIT guidelines and recent property issues.  A moderator facilitated the discussion around the prepared topics and time will be allotted to address questions from the audience. 

Sherri Faith
, Assistant Director, Accounting Information Management, University Accounting and Financial Reporting
John Laroe, Business and Financial Specialist, University Accounting and Financial Reporting
Roger Wade
, Business and Financial Specialist, University Accounting and Financial Reporting
Denise Stanley, Director, University Property Accounting and Reporting, University Accounting and Financial Reporting

Indirect Cost Recovery Revenue Distribution at UIC

pdf PDF Slides
This workshop covered distribution of the Indirect Cost Recovery (ICR) revenue, including how ICR funds are forecasted, budgeted, and allocated to units. It dealt with the PAF, which affects distribution of the original 30% of ICR distributed to units. It also dealt with the 20% more recently being distributed, which is done a different way. It addressed the different distribution schemes used within the different colleges. It also included a short discussion of how the Federal F&A rate is calculated and negotiated.

Todd Van Neck
, Director, Budgeting & Program Analysis (VCAA)
Deborah Starks
, Analyst, Budgeting & Program Analysis (VCAA)
Russ Biskup, Director
, Budget & Financial Analysis (OBFS)
Mee Mee Lee-Choi, Associate Director, Grants & Contracts (OBFS)

Staff Disciplinary and Non-Reappointment Considerations

pdf PDF Slides
This workshop provided an overview of what you need to know when you have to discipline or let someone go. Different rules apply to Academic Professional employees than to Civil Service employees. All managers and supervisors should familiarize themselves with the rules affecting each type of employee. This presentation addressed the nature, policies, and rules of those types of appointments, and policy and operational considerations for discipline, dismissals, job eliminations, and non-reappointments.

Steve Holz
, Associate Director, Labor & Employee Relations
Mirta Mendez
, Associate Director, Employment
Taycine McInnis
, HR Assistant Manager, Labor & Employee Relations
Gladys Black
, HR Assistant Manager, Employment

The Recruitment and Payment of Human Subjects

pdf PDF Slides
This workshop focused on the policy and procedures associated with paying Human Subjects for participation in research studies.  The goal was to help the audience understand the rules and regulations associated with these payments in order to alleviate the confusion surrounding the process.  In addition, information was provided as to the procedures to be used when recruiting research subjects.

Sandra Ehler
, Executive Director, University Payables
Sheila Williams
, Supervisor, University Payables
Chuck Hoehne
, Assistant Director, Office for the Protection of Research Subjects

Information Solutions for the Smaller Unit

pdf PDF Slides, pdf Guide to the Most Common Finance and HR Banner Forms Handout,
pdf Guide to Finance, HR and Payroll Forms Handout, pdf Building Your Knowledge Listing
In many small and mid-sized units, business staff persons are often responsible for retrieving and using data from a wide variety of functional areas. (For example, one could be responsible for monitoring most finance transactions, budget or HR and occasional student tasks.) This workshop focused on tools for those with these "generalist" functions, typically with "Assistant to Dean/Head" titles or serving as the only Business Manager for a unit.  The presentation showed resources, including Banner query forms, standard reports and highlighted resources in the Decision Support Solutions Library.  Participants were encouraged to bring the references they find time-saving because the group discussions include a sharing of end user-endorsed quick tips. This workshop also included an overview by the Office of Institutional Research, which provides services that take data developed for campus-wide initiatives (revenue measurement or enrollment management) and makes that data usable for deans, department heads and their staff.

Mary Lelik
, Director of Institutional Research, Office of the Vice Provost for Resource Planning and Management
Ed Valentine
, Coordinator, Business Systems User Service, Office of the Vice Provost for Resource Planning and Management

Developing New Academic Programs

pdf PDF Slides
This session covered the categorization of program proposals (e.g., what is a new program vs. expansion of existing), the submission of such proposals through Academic Affairs/Senate/Grad Exec Committee/BOT/IBHE, and included a discussion of the financial info required for such proposals. This session also covered the development of Global Campus programs, including: 1) program definition and market assessment; 2) the UIC Campus/Global Campus agreement for program development and support; and 3) the administrative requirements for a successful implementation. Topics included marketing plans, budgeting and revenue sharing, staffing, online course development, academic approvals, admission requirements, course offerings, class schedules, instructor assignment, enrollment verification, degree audit, tuition assessment, financial aid, reporting, and other student services. The presentation also reviewed the Program Development Checklist developed by UIC’s Student Systems Business Owners to help insure the coordination of the many, various UIC administrative activities required for successful Global Campus program implementation.

Midge Grosch, Director of Programs & Academic Assessment, Office of Planning & Programs
Kim Hubalik Neumann
, Assistant Director for Academic Programs, Office of Planning & Programs
John Fyfe, Visiting Director of Program Management, Global Campus Initiative
Arkalgud Ramaprasad, Ph.D., Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Office of Graduate & Continuing Educ.
Nancy Van der Griend, Associate Director, Office of Student Systems Services

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Friday - Workshop Breakout Session 3

Internal Controls You Can Implement to Protect Your Department and Mitigate Risks

pdf PDF Slides
The workshop detailed the specific internal controls that various business processes management can implement contingent upon their resources.  We covered the internal controls that should be employed at all levels of the organization to provide management assurance for completeness in revenue, expenditures, gift administration, cash, accounts receivable, grants and contracts, P-Card, moveable equipment, personnel and payroll, information technology, inventory, purchasing, contracting, leasing, organization, management, budgeting, accounting, and reporting (OMBAR).  Also, we discussed the methods that management can employ to perform a risk assessment for their unit.  We presented techniques that administrators can proactively employ to identify risks and create an action plan to mitigate the risks.

Neal Crowley
, Director, Office of University Audits at UIC

Case Studies in Financial Planning: Assessing Program Viability

pdf PDF Slides, pdf Business Development Process Diagram,
xls Financial Plan Helth Design Template, xls Rockford Pro Forma Template,
pdf SCS Sponsored Program Protocol Handout, xls Sponsored Program Budget Template
As resources get tighter, units must rigorously evaluate the financial performance of their programs. New programs in particular must be financially self-supporting. This session presented case studies from various units that have recently launched new programs, or closed existing programs, and the analysis templates they used to assess each program ’s finances. Participants learned how to develop a financial pro forma for break-even analysis.

Cordelia Maloney
, Director, Office of Continuing Education
Jim Carson
, Administrative Director, Pathology Lab
Todd Van Neck, Director, Budgeting & Program Analysis (VCAA)

Addressing Compensation Strategies and Pay Administration at UIC

pdf PDF Slides
During this workshop, we reviewed the compensation philosophy and strategy. Participants gained an introduction to base pay. The presentation addressed strategic concepts associated with job analysis, documentation and evaluation, examine market-based and content-based job evaluations (quantitative and non-quantitative methods) and the role of the compensation professional.

Anniese Lemond
, Director, Compensation

The Life of an Award: Pre to Post Award Practices & Pitfalls - PART 1

pdf PDF Slides
This was a two session collaborative effort between Grants & Contracts and the Office of Research Services to walk workshop participants through a complete cycle of the life of an award. We incorporated frequently asked questions and potential problem areas for research administrators as we gave an interactive overview of the process and potential pitfalls.

Vanessa Peoples, Director, Grants & Contracts
Luis Vargas
, Executive Director, Office of Research Services
Mee Mee Lee Choi, Associate Director, Grants & Contracts
Fuller Lyons, Associate Director, Grants & Contracts
Amneh Kiswani
, Assistant Director, Office of Research Services
Patti Pfister
, Legal Coordinator & Interim Assistant Director, Office of Research Services

Best Options for Expense Reporting in the Data Warehouse

pdf PDF Slides, pdf Finance All Universe Reference Guide Handout,
pdf HR Overall Universe Reference Guide Handout
This workshop was intended for the Data Warehouse user who has written reports utilizing the Business Objects tool against two or more Finance and/or HR universes. We compared and contrasted existing expense reporting universes in the Data Warehouse.  We explained which universe is best for various reporting needs.  Sample reports were provided.  Reporting samples focused on Fund types to illustrate best practices. A variety of information from detailed transactions to summaries was illustrated.

Beth Ladd
, Functional Area Coordinator - Finance, Decision Support
Mark Pollard
, Functional Area Coordinator - Human Resources, Decision Support

Helping Your Department Head and Faculty Manage Conflict of Interest Issues

pdf PDF Slides
This presentation and brainstorming workshop explained how financial conflicts of interest (COI), whether “real,” “apparent,” “potential” or “perceived,” must be managed.  Our goal was to help participants recognize the importance of disclosing and managing COI, as well as to provide participants with practical tips and tools on how to better coach their department heads and faculty on COI issues.  We considered conceptual/definitional issues and provide practical advice for efficiently and effectively managing conflicts.  The presentation was geared towards creating a basic level of understanding and managing COI.

Rebecca Ann Lind, Ph.D., Assistant Vice Chancellor for Research, Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research

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Friday - Workshop Breakout Session 4

Purchasing Contracts: The Importance of a Well-Defined Scope of Services

pdf PDF Slides
Many contracts rely upon separate scope of services or scope of work documents to define the goods and/or services that are being procured under the agreement. The scope of services is a critical contract component that is supposed to embody the parties’ “meeting of the minds” as to the specific obligations of performance and delivery that each may expect from the other. All too often, however, the scope of services is treated like the forgotten child of the main contract document. Attendees participated in a fun scope development exercise aimed at developing a comprehensive scope of services document from scratch and benefited from a panel discussion addressing business considerations, legal ramifications, and risk assessment issues associated with the scope of services. We also identified the important components to include in a scope of services document and discussed how a well-defined “scope of services” can help to reduce the timeframe for contract processing and approval.

Maria de Lourdes Coss, Director, Purchasing
Patricia Kale
, Director, Risk Management
John Alsterda
, Associate University Counsel

Solutions to Common Payroll Problems

Based on the results of a brief survey that University Payroll distributed to conference invitees, a panel of Payroll subject matter experts addressed the most common problems and issues identified.  We provided tips and tools on solutions and how to prevent these problems from occurring.

Laurie Pitner
, Executive Director, University Payroll
Kassaundra Hester
, Associate Director, University Payroll
Laura Barnett
, Assistant Director, University Payroll
Larry Hanyzewski, Assistant Director, University Payroll
Melvin Fason
, Assistant Manager, University Payroll
Don Smith
, Manager, University Payroll

The Faculty Search and Appointment Process

pdf PDF Slides
This workshop provided an overview of the position search process and its requirements, as well as the process for initiating the appointment process (i.e., what actions and documentation are required for the various types of faculty appointments and faculty/administrative appointments).  Included was a discussion of Provost and Board of Trustees required approval.

Angela Yudt
, Acting Director, Faculty Affairs HR
Patricia Gill, Associate Chancellor, Office for Access & Equity

The Life of an Award: Pre to Post Award Practices & Pitfalls - PART 2

pdf PDF Slides
This was a two session collaborative effort between Grants & Contracts and the Office of Research Services to walk workshop participants through a complete cycle of the life of an award. We incorporated frequently asked questions and potential problem areas for research administrators as we gave an interactive overview of the process and potential pitfalls.

Luis Vargas, Executive Director, Office of Research Services
Vanessa Peoples
, Director, Grants & Contracts
Mee Mee Lee Choi
, Associate Director, Grants & Contracts
Fuller Lyons
, Associate Director, Grants & Contracts
Amneh Kiswani
, Assistant Director, Office of Research Services
Patti Pfister, Legal Coordinator & Interim Assistant Director, Office of Research Services

Strategies for Managing Projects

pdf PDF Slides, xls Project Management Plan Template
This workshop focused on a number of aspects of project management: defining the project, developing the solution, planning the implementation of the solution, developing milestones, tracking/reviewing progress, along with utilizing technology to support project management.  For each aspect of project management, we identified the challenges, rewards, and tools of working with the project team. We showed an example of using Microsoft Excel as a project management tool.

Jack McEnery
, Director, HRIS/Shared Services
Alan Scott
, Specialist, Organizational Effectiveness (HR)

Bridging the Finance-Human Resources Communications Gap

pdf PDF Slides, pdf Account Summary with Salary Handout
How can Finance Managers and Human Resources Managers make each other aware of pertinent hurdles and timeframes for processing human resources transactions and ensuring proper grant activity? The panel attempted to define current campus practices, operating procedures and communication links between Finance and Human Resources and how they affect transaction processing. Discussion focused on ways to improve communication between these often segregated functions.

John Brach
, Director of Human Resources, Institute for Health Research and Policy
Leticia Sanchez, Director of Human Resources, College of Applied Sciences
Paul Racinski
, Assistant Director of Business Affairs, Institute for Health Research and Policy
Mary Berta
, Business Manager, College of Applied Health Sciences

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